2 ads - 1 from 1978 and one from 1979. Both from NY newspapers . Vintage and original ! 

 I saw this when it opened  ! I was just about to enter high school in the fall .  100% original first run! 

Where did YOU first see this ? 

What I Remember About that Day: 
Long Line. Sunny Spring Sunday afternoon. Reading the movie poster while online. My friend's mom goes "Carrie Fisher is the daughter of Debbie Reynolds and Eddie Fisher"  (we were all "who?" ) . MOVIE was not playing everywhere ! We had to drive from Commack to Hicksville which about a half hour away . There was not a lot of media hype . We had NO IDEA what the movie was going to be like. The year prior to this "Logans Run" was the big science fiction hit. So there's that . LOL. 
Movie opens ....mind blown pretty fast! Weird side note: I always had a fear of robots . When C-3po and R2D2 first appeared - I was little creeped out (LOL. yeah- I know..) . My friend's brother was a big science fiction novel reader and goes "Oh so THAT'S what hyper-space looks like".  Saw the movie 3 times that summer (which is a LOT for me. Only other movie seen 3 times was JAWS in 1975). I was too old for Star Wars toys , but I had all the art books and sound track record. 

Would make a great framed gift to a collector that "has everything" .

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