Back2Life Massager Continuous Motion Machine Back Pain Therapy Relief with adapter, see video

Used. Tested and it works. See video. Unit has general signs of use with some marks and scratches.  See pictures.

Please see pictures. I am happy to take additional photos on request. Due to lighting and computer monitor setting, there might be variations in color of item.  Please review all photos provided to guide you in the condition of vintage, pre-owned and new items.  (Double click on the photos to enlarge them.)  Thank you.  USA Seller. Feedback is very important to me! I strive to deliver the best service to all of my customers.  Please contact me first if you have any issues. Your business is appreciated. Only pictured items are included - cables and other accessories are not included unless explicitly stated/shown in pictures. Please keep in mind I have no control over how fast Fedex or USPS get the item to you. The shipping time is ESTIMATED, I try to ship the item out within 1-2 days(depending on snow storms in the winter).