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Barr and Stroud Fernglas Savannah 12x56 ED

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The new Barr & Stroud ‘Savannah ED’ range of binoculars are a blend of superb optical quality, advanced mechanical design and rugged refinement that has produced an elegant range of binoculars that take the Barr & Stroud brand to yet another new level of performance and ...

Leider wurde diese Beschreibung bisher nicht ins Deutsche übersetzt, daher finden Sie an dieser Stelle eine englische Artikelbeschreibung.

The new Barr & Stroud ‘Savannah ED’ range of binoculars are a blend of superb optical quality, advanced mechanical design and rugged refinement that has produced an elegant range of binoculars that take the Barr & Stroud brand to yet another new level of performance and sophistication. Add to all of the advantages of the standard Savannah model, the use of exotic ED 'extra low dispersion' glass ensures images that are high definition, contrast rich with superb colour fidelity.

The ‘Savannah’ range from Barr & Stroud feature rugged construction combined with brilliant optics and high resolution wide field eyepieces to produces stunning images. They are waterproof to a depth 1.5m of water for three minutes, plenty of time to retrieve them if you have dropped them in a stream or puddle. This requires a high degree of mechanical quality in the construction of the binocular which is evident as soon as you pick the binocular up or use the super smooth focus control wheel. A further refinement of the ‘Savannah’ range is the position of the individual eyepiece control just behind the main focus adjustment wheel, instead of the traditional adjustment ring placed in front of the right hand eyepiece. This makes balancing the binocular for the individual user’s eyesight a simple operation that does not require the user to take the binoculars away from their eyes during the operation.

We don’t expect that you will make a habit of dropping the binoculars into deep water but we do expect that you will want to use them in any weather the planet can throw at you, so you can feel assured that the Barr & Stroud ‘Savannah’ can take it, again and again. This ability is further enhanced by the binoculars’ rubber armoured body which protects it from shocks and knocks. The binoculars are filled with nitrogen gas which keeps water out and also stops the optics suffering from internal fogging in adverse weather conditions, this binocular is truly weatherproof.

Fully Multi Coated optics are standard features of the Barr & Stroud ‘Savannah’ range as are BaK-4 phase coated prisms. This degree of sophistication ensures that as much light as possible is transmitted through the optics which results in super bright contrast rich images of high colour fidelity for the user even in low light conditions where less expensive optics and coatings result in a dramatic loss of performance.

For the comfort of the user the binoculars are supplied with metal twist up eyecups that are rubber coated which make them equally practical for people to use with or without spectacles. The rapid focus mechanism takes the user from close focus to infinity in less than one turn of the focus control knob, which ensures that you can follow the action however fast it is happening.

The ‘Savannah ED’ are supplied with carrying case, rain guards, tethered lens caps, deluxe strap and lens cleaning cloth.

Vergrößerung -fach12
Frontlinsendurchmesser mm56
Austrittspupille mm4,7
Augenabstand mm16,0
Dioptrienausgleich Dpt.+/- 4
Pupillendistanz mm56-74
LinsenvergütungPhasenvergütung, voll, mehrfach
Tatsächliches Sehfeld °5,5
Sehfeld auf 1.000m m96
Naheinstellgrenze m3,0
Länge mm163
Breite mm148
Höhe mm66
Gewicht g1064
Jagdmittel (Gebirgsjagd)
Reisen und Sportnicht empfohlen
Theaternicht empfohlen
Stroud brand to yet another new level of performance and sophistication. Add to all of the advantages of the standard Savannah model, the use of exotic ED 'extra low dispersion' glass ensures images that are high definition, contrast rich with superb colour fidelity.

The ‘Savannah’ range from Barr &

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Leider wurde diese Beschreibung bisher nicht ins Deutsche übersetzt, daher finden Sie an dieser Stelle eine englische Artikelbeschreibung.

The new Barr & Stroud ‘Savannah ED’ range of binoculars are a blend of superb optical quality, advanced mechanical design and rugged refinement that has produced an elegant range of binoculars that take the Barr & Stroud brand to yet another new level of performance and ...

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