Immerse yourself in the magical world of Harley Merlin and the Mystery Twins with this captivating novel by Bella Forrest. This first sequel features 404 pages of thrilling fiction that will transport you to another realm. Published by Nightlight Press in 2018, large size paperback, 394 pages. Get ready to embark on an exciting journey with Harley Merlin and the Mystery Twins!

Back cover:

Harley Merlin has a lot of unanswered questions in her life. How can she know the true extent of her magical abilities? Has Wade Crowley always been this annoying?

After the violent gargoyle incident that left many dead, Harley fears what other evil tricks her psychotic aunt has up her sleeve. When she discovers that magical foster kids like herself are in danger, she knows she must do whatever it takes to protect them.

And it turns out that Tatiana the Kevin's resident ghost whisperer, is also willing to make sacrifices and has secrets of her own...

Return to the San Diego coven and continue the journey.