43 x First Day Covers Heritage of Britain series by BENHAM, 7 with Replica Coins

1. The Battle of Maldon 10/08/991 (with replica coin)
2. The Battle of Stamford Bridge 25/09/1066 (with replica coin)
3. The Battle of Hastings 14/10/1066 (with replica coin)
4. The Battle of the Standard - Northallerton 22/08/1138 (with replica coin)
5. The Battle of Lewes 14/05/1264 (with replica coin)
6. The Battle of Evesham 4/08/1265 (with replica coin)
7. The Battle of Stirling Bridge 11/09/1297 (with replica coin)
8. The Battle of Falkirk 22/07/1298
9. The Battle of Bannockburn 23-24/06/1314
10. The Battle of Boroughbridge 16/03/1322
11. The Battle of Neville's Cross 17/10/1346
12. The Battle of Otterburn 19/08/1388
13. The Battle of Shrewsbury 21/07/1403
14. The First Battle of St Albans 22/05/1455
15. The Battle of Blore Heath 23/09/1459
16. The Battle of Northamption 10/07/1460
17. The Battle of Towton 29/03/1461
18. The Battle of Barnet 14/04/1471
19. The Battle of Twekesbury 4/05/1471
20. The Battle of Bosworth 22/08/1485
21. The Battle of East Stoke 16/06/1487
22. The Battle of Flodden 9/09/1513
23. The Battle of Solway Moss 24/11/1542
24. The Battle of Pinkie 10/09/1547
25. The Spanish Armada July-August 1588 
26. The Battle of Newburn Ford 28/08/1640
27. The Battle of Powick Bridge 23/09/1642
28. The Battle of Edgehill 23/10/1642
29. The Battle of Braddock Down 19/01/1643
30. The Battle of Hopton Heath 18/03/1643
31. The Battle of Stratton 16/05/1643
32. The Battle of Chalgrove 18/06/1643
34. The Battle of Lansdown hill 5/07/1643
35. The Battle of Roundway Down 13/07/1643
38. The Storming of Bristol 26/07/1643
36. The First Battle of Newbury 20/09/1643
37. The Battle of Winceby 11/10/1643
39. The Battle of Nantwich 25/01/1644
40. The Battle of Cheriton 29/03/1644
41. The Battle of Cropredy Bridge 29/06/1644
42. The Battle of Martson Moor 2/07/1644
45. The Battle of Auldearn 9/05/1645
52. The Battle of Stown on the Wold 21/03/1646

Includes 2 Benham folders