Alt * Hero is the exciting new line of alternative superhero comics from Arkhaven Comics.

#1 Crackdown - Welcome to the Global Justice Initiative. When Captain Europa of the Global Justice Initiative makes Janelle Jeanneret an offer she can't refuse, the French model doesn't hesitate to sign on the dotted line. After all, they're providing her with a stylish apartment in Brussels, Belgium, a new outfit, and a flashy new name. They're also offering to pay her an awful lot of money... and it's even tax-free! But is there a catch?

#2 Rebel's Cell - It was only a matter of time before the mysterious man hunting illegal immigrants and turning them over to the local I.C.E. office was identified. And after Michael Martel is informed that the Antifa leader he beat up is the son of a powerful state politician, he knows he has to make himself scarce in a hurry. Fortunately, the man who has been stalking Martel needs someone who won't hesitate to punch first and ask questions later.

#3 Reprisal - Michael Martel and the mysterious Immotus have freed Shiloh Summers from the UN's Superhuman Protective Counsil, but now Security Director Kulkarni is determined to track them down. When SPC agents take her mother and father into custody as official persons of interest, Shiloh and her new friends face a difficult choice: fight to free them or find another way to convince the SPC to let them go.

#4 The War In Paris - Inspired by the German government's crackdown on nationalists in Berlin, Antifa is now on the march in Paris. And despite being hunted by the police and the Global Justice Initiative, Jean-Michel Durand is determined to stand with his generation against the enemies of France. But how can even the most steadfast of nationalists hope to stop Antifa when the riot police, a United Nations Incident Team, and Captain Europa himself are standing in their way?

#5 - London Calling - When London comes calling, death is knocking on the door. The directors of the United Nations Superhuman Protection Council have learned the hard way that putting pressure on families of the next-gen renegades is a game far too dangerous to play. But their newfound limitations does not mean they don't have other resources on which to call, resources that are every bit as dangerous as the supermans they are hunting. 

#6 - The Dark Hunt - An angry Captain Europa is desperate to get revenge for his public humiliation at the Eiffel Tower. Unfortunately for him, Jean-Michel Durand and Christian Foucalt are nowhere to be found! So when the two renegade superhumans suddenly show up without warning on the Paris Metro security cameras, the Global Justice Initiative leaps into action to try to catch them before they disappear again. But there are few better places on Earth for outlaws to vanish than the massive graveyards located directly below the streets of the French capital.