Continuing to sell my academic childhood.   This book is Modern Physics, copyright 1955 by Dull, Metcalfe, and Brooks.  Published by Holt. 

Considering its age, the interior is in very good condition. 

I GREATLY enjoyed the physics course in high school that used this book (likely 1966-67 school year).  The teacher & I got along well.  He mentioned they were changing the text next year and I asked if I could have the old text.  He handed it to me to keep.   I'm confident this book/course inspired me to electrical engineering and math degrees and a 35 year career in information technology computing infrastructure.  That is somewhat evident by my notes on the cover pages of variants of Ohm's Law and finding resistance in parallel.  There will be a few other notes and scribblings on other pages, but generally the pages are clean. 

Note this book is old and shows some signs of use and wear.   However, the interior pages are in very good condition. 

This book is LOADED with information and is a great look back in time, yet all the principles and laws are the same.  There are many excellent vintage illustrations and pictures.

This physics book is my very favorite.  (Hey, I've kept it for 58 years!)  It is full of many aspects of the study of high school physics.  Note the acetate pages of the Power Shovel.  Those pages are torn, but still intact and very informative and very'll likely not see a shovel like that anymore.  

Please see the pictures for conditions.  

The books is at least acceptable to to good condition, considering its age.  The covers and pages are square and lie flat.  The inside front cover has a few marks and my name.  

There are various light marks through the book, but not many, perhaps a circle of problem assignments or other light notes. Otherwise the interior pages are very clean.  The exterior pages edges are reasonably clean with some marks perhaps from the school. 

The pages are tight to the spine. I could find no loose pages.  

Note the cover of the book is starting to separate from the spine.   

The book has been shelved in and air conditioned, dust free, smoke free home. 

I'll ship Media Mail at about 3# or approximately $6, likely in a padded envelope.  

I do not accept returns.