BGG Score: 6.8

In the serene setting of Momiji, immerse yourself in the ancient Imperial Garden of Japan, striving to achieve objectives by gathering the most coveted autumn leaves.
At the onset, players are dealt a hand of six leaf cards and bestowed with a trio of landscape powers, weaving together to craft a distinct panorama. Initially, landscapes are assigned, but in subsequent games, players have the option to draft them. Leaf cards, ranging from 4 to 6 types depending on the number of players, carry values of 0 to 3 in each type. The game kicks off with four random cards arranged in the central play area, categorized by type. Additionally, 4 to 6 objective tokens are dispersed within the center of play, each representing diverse goals such as amassing the most 0s, collecting the majority of a specific card type, or accruing the highest sum of visible cards by the game's conclusion.
On each turn, players must select one of three actions:
Collect Leaf Cards: Gather all leaves of a chosen type from the central display and add them to your hand. Optionally, spend an acorn token to reveal four new leaf cards before making your selection.
Play Leaf Cards: Strategically place 1-2 leaf cards of the same type, or multiple cards of different types, into your player area. Each type is segregated into its own stack, with 0 marking the initial card in each pile. Subsequent cards must either match the number or be one higher. Upon reaching a value of 3 in a pile, seal it off with a torii token, signaling its closure. If playing different types, evaluate pairs of adjacent topmost cards in your area; if both cards display an acorn symbol in the adjacent corners, claim two acorn tokens from the reserve.
Activate an Objective Token: Invest three acorn tokens to secure an objective token into your player area. This activates the objective, paving the way for potential scoring opportunities at the game's conclusion.
Once per turn, players may discard two cards from their hand in exchange for one acorn token, or utilize an acorn token to harness the power of a landscape or execute both actions simultaneously. Each landscape power can be utilized only once per game.
The game draws to a close when the leaf card deck is depleted or when 4-6 leaf piles are sealed with torii tokens. Points are tallied by multiplying the value of the topmost card in each pile by the number of cards within it. Additionally, remaining acorn tokens hold a value of 1 point each. Activated objectives are evaluated to determine the most successful participant meeting the criteria, granting 10 points to the token holder and 3 points to any other player who fulfills the objective. In the event of a tie, all tied players receive points. The player amassing the highest number of victory points emerges triumphant.