This ultra contemporary pastel drawing Print titled "Toy Box" by Dan Freisting is a one-of-a-kind piece that showcases his unique style of surrealism, impressionism, and urban art. Measuring 11 inches in length and 8 1/2 inches in width, this small yet impactful painting is signed by the artist and is unframed, allowing for personalized framing to match any décor. The piece features a variety of subjects including community life, inspirational themes, horses, men, toys & games, animal heads, cartoons & caricatures, figures, and masks. The use of pastel and pencil techniques on paper creates a stunning array of colors and textures, making it a perfect addition to any art collection. This handmade piece was produced in 2024 in Ontario, Canada and is sure to add a touch of Americana, fantasy, and modernism to any space.
100 lb acid and lignin free cardstock 
Signed by artist/ seller 
Camera and monitors may cause minor color variations 
Pastels provide a soft intensity. Blurring by me softens tones. All art is best viewed from six feet. If you expect something else you should not buy this. Always ask questions