Experience the timeless beauty of art with this iconic vintage lithograph exhibition poster featuring the renowned works of Maurice Utrillo in 1966. Printed by Mourlot Pétridès, this masterpiece is a visual treat for art enthusiasts and collectors alike.



Date: 1966

"Maurice UTRILLO One Hundred Drawings - Pastels - Gouaches and Watercolors"

GALERIE PETRIDES 53 Rue la Boétie. PARIS 8th

from MAY 10 to JUNE 8, 1966

Medium: Lithograph.

Printed by MOURLOT

Dimensions: 35" x 22.5"


French painter born in Paris in 1883, died in 1955. He is known as well for his painting, his alcoholism, as his mother, Suzanne Valadon who was the model of the greatest painters of Montmartre and also a painter herself. Utrillo has from the beginning been noticed by critics, and his acclaimed painting, with its so-called white period that lasted from 1905 to 1915, consisted of paintings of a very particular style where the painter transcribed the whitish walls of Montmartre by tying its colors with glue and chalk powder. Then he will animate the alleys once deserted small silhouettes seen from back to forms more and more generous. From 1919 his fame will free him from any financial problem.

He painted Montmartre so much where he was born where he spent much of his life that he became one of the symbols. If one asks who the painter is who has the most and best represented Montmartre, one can only quote his name.

It is exhibited worldwide, in the largest museums.

the gallery Roussard presented in 1993 a large exhibition "Utrillo", which is always an event for a gallery, especially since this exhibition was the last gallery exhibition in France of Maurice Utrillo for more than twenty years.