The Razor: This is a solid medium-to-larger format notch-tipped MASONIC cutthroat straight razor with beautiful lines manufactured by the respected Sheffield cutler, Wade & Butcher. It measures just slightly under 7/8ths" at its widest point, sports a wedgy quarter-hollow grind with a subtly smiling edge and GORGEOUS deeply rendered and detailed masonic detailing on the bladeIt has a deeply stamped maker's imprint on the tang, showing pervasive residual pitting to show for its long decades of steadfast service to generations of gentlemen. It has newly custom-made dark horn scales with a wedge spacer made from extremely rare 15,000 year-old mammoth tusk.

It has been restored, as described below.

The Work: I refurbished this blade by removing all rust and as much of the pitting as I could without endangering its lines and original essence, polishing it to a nice sheen. I custom built new scales from a marvelous piece of natural water-buffalo horn, affixed utilizing custom-machined brass domed bullseye collars of contrasting sizes, brass pins and finished with an unusual wedge spacer made from the tusk of an extinct wooly mammoth. Less visible to the eye, I also added brass washers to the pivot to enhance its already impressive longevity. This blade is likely 150-160+ years old and still going strong, ready to serve several more generations!

It has a nice solid, purposeful feel in the hand. 

I honed this razor with great care, as I would for my own razors I use for personal daily use.

This razor was honed with the following progression with three layers of tape to protect the spine and optimize the bevel angle:

Shapton Kuromaku Ceramic 2k

Shapton Kuromaku Ceramic 5k

Seuhiro Kouseki 10k

Nakayama Jnat

Vintage Scottish Linen Fire Hose Strop

Tony Miller Rough Out Strop

Tony Miller Fast Bridle Strop

My Story: I fell in love with vintage straight razors some years back when I became irritated with the exorbitant cost of disposable razor cartridges. Utilizing my background in jewelry and sculpture, I taught myself to refurbish antique straight razors, to make custom razor scales, to pin them properly, and, through great effort and dedication, have gained a reputation for nicely honed shaving edges. Each of these blades is a journey, with a history. A man's hands created it long ago to last for generations. You and I are part of those generations. I try to be sensitive and cognizant of the historical context of each razor, as well as the spirit and intentions of the original blade-maker so that I may bring them back to life for you, my customer.

FYI: any props used in photos (sharpening stones, rulers, etc.) are not for sale as part of this listing unless specifically detailed in the title and description sections of the listing