On September 8th, 1987 - more than twenty years after the original Star Trek series first aired - millions of Star Trek fans across the country sat down in front of their television sets for a debut of an all-new series of Star Trek adventures. No expense had been spared in bringing this new show to life - original series creator Gene Roddenberry had even agreed to act as producer. Yet even the most faithful of Star Trek fans had their doubts - could the magic of the original series be duplicated?

The answer to that prooved to be a resounding yes. Led by Captain Jean-Luc Picard (brilliantly portrayed by noted Shakespearean actor Patrick Stewart), the U.S.S. Enterprise blazed a trail of understanding across an unfamiliar galaxy. In show after show, Star Trek: The Next Generation brought to vivid life a future where cooperation and mutual understanding proved the key to solving humanity's problems - and enabled galactic civilization to flourish.

Here at last is the complete official guide to every episode of the television adventures of the Starship Enterprise NCC 1701-D and the Star Trek Generations Motion Picture - a compendium of information including plot summaries and credits for each show, as well as fascinating behind-the-scenes glimpses into the Star Trek universe. You'll see the entire Star Trek: The Next Generation story from the genesis of the series to its incredible seven-year run at the very top of the syndicated television ratings. Illustrated with more than 150 photographs, this is the official reference guide to Star Trek: The Next Generation.