Havana Rose

Ambassador Rico DeMarco is in Washington trying to raise a $5 million loan for his hard-pressed country, Lower Salamia. Filbert Filmore and his domineering wife are about to sign on the dotted line for the loan when DeMarco's vivacious daughter Estelita upsets the deal by accidentally knocking hot coffee over the papers--and Mrs. Fillmore, who leaves the house in a huff. The Washinton-resident spies of Lower Salamia's insurrectionist faction gleefully cable their leader that the loan attempt has failed, y Viva la Revolucion. Estelita, in her role as an amateur international financier, discovers that Fillmore is a great believer in astrology and, disguised as a gypsy fortuneteller, she dupes him into believing that the stars are propitious for his making the loan, but Mrs. Fillmore's wild jealousy when she discovers her woo-woo husband alone with the attractive young gypsy, causes Estelita to depart sans anti-revolution money. DeMarco tries to send his daughter back to Lower Salamia, but she takes off for Reno to see Tex Thompson, a handsome young Nevada cattleman she met and fell in love with in a Washington nightclub. The efforts of her chaperon, timid Aunt Maria, to restrain her are unsuccessful. To keep her father from discovering her whereabouts, Estelita signs the hotel register in Reno as Mrs. Filbert Fillmore. A local reporter, sensing a big-money divorce in the making, files a story which leads Filbert to believe that his wife has left him, and he flies to Reno...with Mrs. Fillmore close on his heels. But the Reno-resident Lower Salamia insurrection-spies have plans to kidnap Mrs. Fillmore

Very good condition KODAK original TV print with splices primarily where commercials were.
Has cue marks and some black splotches by these areas. Very loud optical sound.
Razor sharp focus and excellent contrast. Mounted on 2x1600 ft. reels. No vinegar.

***Pics shown taken off of projected image of this film***
U.S. Media Shipping $12. 
Canada Priority Shipping $80.
International Priority Shipping $95.

I buy 16mm & 35mm Collections.
Will pay cash. Will travel to pick up.