Thorval's Tale
Taschenbuch von B. K. Parent
  • Autor: B. K. Parent
  • EAN: 9781532078026
  • Einband: Kartoniert / Broschiert
  • Ausstattung / Beilage: Paperback
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Seiten: 260
  • Maße: 229 x 152 x 15 mm
  • Erschienen: 31.07.2019
  • Schlagworte: Belletristik / Science Fiction / Fantasy / Fantasyliteratur / FICTION / General
It is with great relief to all in the land of Sommerhjem that the challenge to choose a new king or queen has been completed, even if the result of the challenge was very unexpected. What will happen next is unknown. For me, now is the time for reflection.

My past catching up to me placed my family in danger. Very few folks know of my wife Ani's and my involvement with those who secretly provided information to Queen Octavia. Nor do many folks know just how deeply involved I was after the death of Queen Octavia in thwarting the Regent's intention to prevent Princess Esmeralda from becoming the next ruler of Sommerhjem when she came of age. What is important now is what can I reveal about my past and what do I still need to hold secret? My name is Thorval Pedersen and this is my tale.
Titel: Thorval's Tale | Medium: Taschenbuch | Autor: B. K. Parent | Einband: Kartoniert / Broschiert | Ausstattung / Beilage: Paperback | Sprache: Englisch | Seiten: 260 | Maße: 229 x 152 x 15 mm | Erschienen: 31.07.2019 | Anbieter: Buchbär