Prayerful Motherhood in the Midst of the Overwhelm
Taschenbuch von Shannon Guerra
  • Autor: Shannon Guerra
  • EAN: 9780960092161
  • Einband: Kartoniert / Broschiert
  • Ausstattung / Beilage: Paperback
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Seiten: 62
  • Reihe: Work That God Sees
  • Maße: 203 x 127 x 4 mm
  • Erschienen: 16.11.2019
  • Schlagworte: Ratgeber Lebensführung allgemein / Ratgeber: Eltern / Ratgeber / Lebenshilfe / Alltag / Familie
Moms, do you feel like you are getting nowhere, running in place, spinning your wheels? We have so much to do - things we want to do, things we have to do, and things on our to-do lists that show up uninvited and unplanned for - and we can't possibly go fast enough. Or do enough. Or be enough.
But, good news: We don't have to. Your small, daily steps of obedience are creating a great work. You are making progress. You are advancing and maturing. We can't always see it, but God sees it and He's taking you to a beautiful place.
These 60 pages of truth, humor, and encouragement are wind in your sails as you go through your days, reminding you that you are gaining ground. Improving. Forging ahead, pressing on, and on the march. You are growing.
Titel: Growing | Zusatz: Prayerful Motherhood in the Midst of the Overwhelm | Medium: Taschenbuch | Autor: Shannon Guerra | Einband: Kartoniert / Broschiert | Ausstattung / Beilage: Paperback | Sprache: Englisch | Seiten: 62 | Reihe: Work That God Sees | Maße: 203 x 127 x 4 mm | Erschienen: 16.11.2019 | Anbieter: Buchbär