3 Sachets X 5 g Valani Mask By Dr. Somsak Detox Clay Mask - Oily Acne-prone Skin
Valani Mask Valani By Dr.Somsak

Product details
New product Valani Mask has 2 formulas to choose from.

Who is it suitable for?
-Valani Clay Mask, green mask
Suitable for people with oily, acne-prone skin.

-Valani Yoghurt Gluta Mask pink mask
Suitable for people with dull faces. Add radiance Focuses on moisture and tightens pores.

How to use
- Wash your face thoroughly. Wipe your face dry or damp.
-Apply the mask all over the face and neck, except around the eyes, eyebrows, and mouth.
-Leave for 10-15 minutes then rinse with clean water. (Mud formula can be applied only to acne heads)

If allergic irritation occurs, you should stop using it.
**Results depend on each individual's skin condition**

Notification number
Valani Detox Clay Mask Green Mask 73-1-6500037813
Valani Yoghurt Gluta Mask pink mask 73-1-6500037814