MACO. American Hemerocallis Society, David Hall Regional Award Medal, 1969.  By Edgar Zell Steever (obv) and Anthony Notaro (rev).  Bronze, 44mm.  Obverse: Portrait of David Hall; DAVID HALL REGIONAL AWARD around top.  Reverse: Daylily with Society name around. Struck by the Medallic Art Company, New York.  Condition: A few light rubs; EXTREMELY FINE.

The David Hall Memorial Medal/Certificate is currently awarded annually on a regional basis as determined by vote of the region’s members in the Popularity Poll.  The original award, called the David Hall Regional Trophy, was a piece of silver, but in 1969 it was switched to a medal and certificate.  Today, only a certificate is presented.  The medal was unique in that it was and is the only AHS medal to feature a person's likeness on it rather than the AHS logo that depicts the daylily 'Green Valley'.