This auction is for a new 8 x 10-inch 1996 Color Copy of a picture of the now late Indy Car Driver Scott Brayton and family after winning the Pole Position in the John Menard owned #2. Very accomplished in his Indy Car career, he died in another car in a practice crash in one week later, on May 17.  Always a Fan favorite... Incredibly Nice Man...
AJ Foyt is the greatest man to this day to ever take the wheel in a Indy type Race Car with 67 Indy Car Victories, 7 Championships, etc. The only man ever to win the race in a front engine car and rear engine car and he did it twice in each category. Dirt Champ Car wins, Sprint Car wins and Midget wins... And 7 NASCAR wins including the Daytona 500 in the Wood Brothers Mercury #21 in 1972.