Original Antique WW1 Newspaper THE GRAPHIC Dated 1914 Refugees German Bombarment PICTORIAL MAP ANTWERP Battle of the Aisne RFC Royal Flying Corps NEW YORK DRAWING Mass Graves SOIXANTE-QUINZE BATTERY Battle of Craonne and Aisne CANADIAN REGIMENTS Seaforth Highlanders - Plus much more; see main description

WW1 Newspaper THE GRAPHIC 1914 Refugees German Bombarment PICTORIAL MAP ANTWERP Battle of the Aisne RFC Royal Flying Corps NEW YORK DRAWING Mass Graves SOIXANTE-QUINZE BATTERY Battle of Craonne and Aisne CANADIAN REGIMENTS Seaforth Highlanders

Original Weekly Issue

This first list describes the images i.e. photographs, maps, sketches, drawings etc (these sometimes have descriptive articles but not always). They include:

The Flight from Antwerp by the Scheldt - Countless Small Boats with Refugees Escaping the German Bombardment - full front page - Drawn by Arthur Burgess form Material Supplied by an Eye-witness Now in hospital in Ramsgate.

The New (Ferdinand I) and The Late King (Carol I) of Romania and the Tsar - photograph by Mandy.

The Widowed Queen (Elisabeth of Wied) - - - - The Crown Prince (Carol)' - - - The New Queen (Princess Marie of Edinburgh).

A Stucco Idol - "The Victor of Longwy" (Crown Prince of Germany).. - photograph of busts in front of the museum at Berlin, Crown Prince and Hindenburg, and a lion.

The Devastation at Longwy.

Map - Antwerp and After - full page pictorial map drawn to scale in 100 mile squares, shown in perspective, by G. F. Morrell. It names Heligoland, Wilhelmshaven, Borkum, Emde, Zuider Zee, Antwerp, Lille, miel, Ostend, mouth of the Somme, Dieppe, Soissons - Reims, Maubeuge, Dover Folkestone, Dungeness, Skegness, Sheringham, Cromer, Harwich, , Southend, Shoeburyness, Folkestone, and much more..

The Debris of the Battlefield - Children Helping to Collect Guns, Shell Cases, reive etc After the Struggle on the Aisne.

At Chateau Thierry - German Prisoners Employed on Light Duties on the Railway, Under Armed Guard.

Scotland and France - A Scottish Soldier in His Kilted Uniform Talking With French Soldiers, On Board a Train at a Railway Station - full page in colour drawn by Gilbert Holiday from a scene he witnessed at a Railway Station in France, the caption notes I witnessed this incident while in the opposite train the other day, and the smile which the "Jock" wore while having his cheek patted lovingly by the Frenchman made everyone laugh. He had lost his crowd but he was ready to ride anywhere with anybody. There is an approx. 150 word caption describing the scene..

The German Attack on Antwerp and Civilians Fleeing:.

Going to the Trenches - The British Defenders Going to Take Up Their Positions.

Set on Fire by the Belgians - A Factory Containing Highly Combustible Products.

French Marines Advancing Across a Battlefield - Through a Farmers Field.

Camouflaged - Guns Covered with Branches.

British Marines in the Trenches.

The German 16inch Siege Piece Gun.

Men Erecting Barbed Wire Entanglements.

Belgian Artillery in a Town.

A Ruined Church - Germans on Horseback.

The Effect of a German Shell on a Row of Houses.

Red Cross Priests and Attendants in the Outskirts of Antwerp.

The Earthworks at Lierre - The Naval Brigade.

The Destruction of the Village of Schoonaerde.

A House Wrecked by a German Shell.

Nuns With Children on Their Way to Ostend.

Street Crowded with Cars.

A Long Line of London Motor Buses.

A Badly Wounded German at the Railway Station Being Tended by a Woman and Others.

British Wounded Sailors in a Motor Bus.

People Climbing Aboard the Last Tug.

A British Marine Making Friends with Children in Antwerp.

A Motor Bus Damaged by Shrapnel.

Civilians at the Quayside Rushing to Catch The Boats.

Refugees in Kingsway London.

Battle of the Aisne and How The War Office Got Its First Gun, Captured by the Lincolns - full page Drawn by Ernest Prater from Sketches Supplied by Private J. Neil of the 1st Lincolns - a group of British soldiers about to capture a German gun.

The Exodus From Antwerp by Barge and Bridge - The Flight of the Inhabitants Down the River Scheldt - a wonderful full page Drawn by A. Van Anrooy, Our Special Artist at Antwerp..

The People of Antwerp Pouring Across the Bridge of Barges - An Impression by Donald Maxwell Compiled From Descriptions by Refugee Soldiers - another wonderful full page drawing.

Real Sketches by Real Soldiers Reproduced Just as They Came from the Fields of Battle in France etc:.

Three Sketches by an Officer in a Highland Regiment, Exactly as They Were Received: A Lull in the Firing - - - 11.30pm on September 23: Behind the Trenches - - - An Aeroplane Pursued by Shells, 24 September.

Sketched by a Wounded British Officer - A Wounded British Officer Crossing the River Aisne.

Sketched by a French Gunner - An Episode at the Attack on General Von Kluck's Army From Montidion near Roye - Facsimile of Sketch Made in the Hospital of ST Omer by Philip R. Tassard of the 4th Regiment of French Field Artillery.

Battle of the Aisne - A Battery of the Royal Field Artillery Encounter Heavy Shell Fire from the German Howitzers - half page Drawn by Lionel Edwards Under The Personal Supervision of an Officer Who Witnessed the Incident.

Battle of the Aisne - King's Own Scottish Borderers Saving a Machine Gun Under Fire, at a Village near the Aisne - from a drawing by Ralph Cleaver from a sketch and description by an officer.

Blind Barbarian Vengeance - the Burning of a Village on the Outskirts of Antwerp, Where Twenty Belgians Were Blown to Pieces by Shrapnel - double page From a Photograph Especially Taken for "The Graphic" by Reginald Silk..

The Famous French "Soixante-Quinze" Battery Going into Action During the Battle of Craonne on the Aisne - a double page Drawn by Frank Gillett from a Sketch by a Lieutenant in the French Army .

Our Gallant Airmen of the Royal Flying Corps Escaping From the Enemy's Shells - full page Drawn by Frank Mason From a Sketch by a Lieutenant in the Royal Warwickshire Regiment .

They Buried Them Darkly at the Dead of Night - An Impressive Midnight Scene During the Battle of the Aisne - a full page Drawn by J. R. Skelton from a Sketch by Private W. Merryweather of 2nd Oxfordshire and Bucks Light Infantry - officers and men at a mass grave near in a village churchyard.

Britains Pantry in War Time:.

Mutton and Beef at Smithfield - two photographs.

Fish at Billingsgate.c.keenlyside.

Fruit and Veg at Covent Garden - four photographs by Earle Harrison.

Flour Supplied by the Enemy - A War Prize Being Unloaded at Fresh Wharf, London.

Switzerland on the Fringe of the Fray - British and American Tourists Practically Prisoners in Switzerland - a full page of sketches/cartoons drawn by Reginald Cleaver on the blockade in Switzerland and where many tourists were stranded without money.

Closing the Door of the North Sea - Our Answer to Germany's Mine Menace - full page with four sketches and a map drawn by Donald Maxwell:.

Destroyers Seen Across the Goodwins at Low Tide.

The Lone Outpost - A Sentinal Submarine.

A Mine Layer at Work.

The Mail Boats Escort.

Map - The Zone Mined by the Admiralty.

The Sinking of the German Destroyer S126 by Submarine SE9 commanded by Lieutenant Commander Max K. Horton - full page Drawing by E. S. Hodgson From a Sketch by a Sailor on board Submarine E9 - action off the German coast at the mouth of the river Ems, the ship being bit by a torpedo from the submarine..

New York USA - The New Worlds Interest in the Old World's War: Watching the Bulletins Outside the Newspaper Offices of The World, The Sun and The Tribune - full page drawn by Charles Dixon RI - the large skyscraper is the Woolworth Building, with crowds of people on Broadway area etc..


Quebec - The Seaforth Highlanders Frm Vancouver.

Canadians Embarking for England.

Valcartier - The Canadian Red Cross Contingent.

Quebec - Army Transport Arriving at the Wharf to Embark for England.

Newfoundland - Volunteers - x2.

The Newfoundland Regiment preparing Dinner at Their Camp'.

Torquay - looking towards Torbay Hotel over the area around the marina etc.

Bournemouth - Undercliff Drive.

Llandrindod - The Bridge.

A View of Buxton.

The Roll of Honour - Officers Killed in Action or In The Service of Their Country Directly Incidental to the Great War:.

Lieutenant A. W. G. Campbell - Coldstream Guards.

Lieutenant J. C. Coker - South Wales Borderers.

Lieutenant W. K. Ames - Royal West Kent Regiment.

Captain A. C. Aubin - East Lancashire Regiment.

2nd LIeutenant R. D. P. Milner - Sherwood Foresters.

Captain H. S. Toppin - Northumberland Fusiliers.

2nd Lieutenant G. A. B. Birdwood - South Lancs. Regiment.

Lieutenant Colonel R. E. Benson - East Yorkshire Regiment.

Lieutenant F. H. L. Rushton - 2nd Royal Irish Regiment.

Lieutenant N. C. G. Cameron - Highlanders.

Lieutenant L. W. White - 2st Dragoon Guards.

Major A. D. Green DSO - Worcester Regiment.

Captain and Adjt. W. R. Frend - 2nd Sherwood Foresters.

Major R. A. Gray - Royal Irish Fusiliers. Loght.

Captain D. N. C. C. Miers - Cameron Highlanders.

Captain T. N. Puckle - Leicestershire Regiment.

Russia - Women Reaping near the Frontier.

Finland - A Woman Bricklayer at Work After The Men are Mobilised.

Typical Children on the Austro Russian Frontier.

England - Women Red Cross Volunteers at Devonshire House.

Women Making Woollen Shirts at Claridges.

Soldiers Wives Registering at Swansea.

Nurses Leaving Charing Cross.

Belgian Soldiers Wives Waiting for Food Relief.

Soldiers of the 2nd Foreign unit of the Red Cross Society Being Inoculated Against Enteric in the Clinical Laboratory of St Thomas's Hospital.

Samuel Weller from Pickwick Papers - a full page advert with a drawing by Frank Reynolds, No. 3 in the second Dickens series.

Lieutenant E. N. Walshe - Royal Field Artillery - Wounded.

Major R. A. Gray - Royal Irish Fusiliers - Missing.

The Rev. B. G. Bourchier - Taken Prisoner at Hasselt - the vicar of St Jude's, Hampstead..

Colour Sergeant Wilson Aged 69 - Kings Liverpool Regiment - Who Responded to the Appeal for Lord Kitcheners Army.

Children - Now Tell Us All About The War" - advert for The British Commercial Gas Association - a drawing by Charles Pears.

A 16-20hp Wolseley Ambulance Supplied to the War Office.

A 16-22hp Napier Ambulance Supplied to the Red Cross Society.

The Bombardment of Antwerp - Shells Falling in the Place LEopolde de Wael in Front of the Royal Art Gallery - from a drawing by A. Van Anrooy the Special Artist in Antwerp.


This second part of the description features items of news, articles etc but have no images associated with the subject matter unless listed above. They include:

The Way of the War page - with mentioN of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - Mister Jerome K. Jerome - Mr Clutton Brock - M. Bourdon - Mr Houston Stewart Chamberlain - Mr Stephen Graham 

The Progress of the War by an Expert 

The Lincolns on the Aisne - caption article to accompany sketch apprx. 130 words 

Britains Pantry in War-Time by T. H. Manners Howe 

Germany's Nursemaid Warriors by Robert Crozier Long 

Wintering in England by D.M.M. Loght.

A Woman on Secret Service by Candida 

Motoring and Aviation by Edwin Campbell1710


Seventeen pages (34 sides). It measures 395 x 285 mm (15.5 x 11.25inches).There is no outer advertising cover. The spine has been repaired/reinforced. Some of the pages are loose with binding witness marks. There is some age yellowing. Some of the pages have minor cuts tears and blemishes due to their great age - anything more than minor will be mentioned in the main body of the description. The engravings vary in size. There are no outer advertising pages/cover unless otherwise stated. The images are NOT in colour unless otherwise stated. The above description details the content in my words and not necessarily what is written on the original page. "Info." in the description is my research, although relevant to the accompanying image or article, is not necessarily in the text. The four digit number in brackets in title is for my ref only.

I can't guarantee that the issue is complete 'as published' - but what I've described above IS present. As far as I can tell there is one page missing (advert I think), so if you're looking for something in particular in this issue PLEASE ASK. If you require information on size of articles (i.e. number of words), sizes of images, please ask before bidding or buying. The process of the page numbering in The Graphic carried on from the previous issue therefore do not start at number 1. This item will be packaged in a tube and sent Royal Mail Small Parcel; postage, packing etc is charged at cost. PLEASE NOTE: RM and other mail providers worldwide have stated that because of the pandemic, they have had to substantially increase their prices. 

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All text descriptions etc. in my listings are protected through copyright law, and have been electronically and invisibly coded, and are also protected under ebay VeRO rules. Reproduction, in whole or part, without permission is a transgression of copyright.