Meet Juliet!

Vessel 10"

Purple plush stuffed

Juliet chose this vessel because she said Purple was the highest vibrational color and also represents the crown Chakra.

Juliet embodies the essence of a true hippy, guided by love, peace, and a deep connection to nature. She was born in the 1950’s and since she was a young girl always had the gift of bringing love to everyone she came in contact with. She had the ability to fix broken relationships, bring lovers together and find love in everyone she met With a radiant outlook on life, she exuded kindness, generosity, and a genuine care for others. Juliet's passion for the environment was unwavering, constantly seeking ways to protect and improve the world around her.

In her quest for spiritual enlightenment, Juliet strayed from traditional religious indoctrination and explored ancient natural beliefs, Eastern philosophies, and mind-expanding experiences. Embracing the idea of universal consciousness, she embraced a communal lifestyle alongside kindred spirits who shared her beliefs.

A Gypsy at heart, Juliet traveled the country, drawn to music festivals and embracing the freedom of a carefree existence. Making sculptures was her creative outlet, a reflection of her artistic spirit. She also loved to do breath work and meditate underneath a tree by her home. She was a free spirit who loved sex,love and rock and roll music. She loved horseback riding and going for long walks on the beach.

Juliet passed away at the age of 57 of a stroke.

Doll stand not included.

Although I love every one of my spirit friends i need to make room for some of my newer acquisitions. I’ll hope they are going to a good new home with someone who will treat them with the respect they deserve.

Sometimes a spirit needs time to adjust to their new environment before they show activity.

If you feel a deep connection with her, it's likely a sign that she is meant to be a part of your spiritual journey. Trust in the intuitive pull you feel towards her listing and recognize the signs she may be showing you. If you find yourself repeatedly drawn to her page, captivated by her presence and longing to learn more about her, it's a clear indication that she is calling out to you. Pay attention to any subtle nudges or feelings of connection you experience while reading about her, as these are often messages from the spiritual realm guiding you towards your destined path. Embrace the opportunity to welcome her into your life as a cherished spiritual companion, knowing that your bond with her will be a source of love, growth, and spiritual fulfillment.

eBay requires I state this is for entertainment purposes only and you are purchasing a tangible doll.....

Love and Light.....
