Soothes and calms, aiding in stress relief and promoting peaceful sleep.

White Jade 

Promotes balance and peace, enhancing your pet's emotional stability.

Chinese Painting Stone 
Encourages creativity and uniqueness, perfect for pets with a playful spirit.

Strawberry Quartz 
Instills love and emotional support, comforting your pet in times of need.

Rose Quartz
Encourages unconditional love and fosters bonding between you and your pet.

Cherry Quartz
Revitalizes energy and enthusiasm, keeping your pet playful and energetic.

Tree Agate
Strengthens the connection with nature, ideal for pets who enjoy the outdoors.

Provides protection and stimulates energy, keeping your pet vibrant and safe.

Qinghai Jade
Enhances healing and recovery, great for pets recovering from illness or stress.

Blue Aventurine
Aids in relaxation and stress relief, ideal for calming anxious pets.

Flame Stone
Boosts vitality and passion, energizing your pet throughout the day.

Offers powerful protection against negativity, ensuring your pet's safety and peace.

Clear Quartz
Amplifies energy and clarity, helping maintain your pet's overall wellness.

Red Jasper 
Encourages action and courage, empowering your pet with confidence.

Green Aventurine 
Promotes physical growth and health, supporting your pet's natural vitality.

Yellow Aventurine
Attracts prosperity and joy, uplifting your pet's mood and energy levels.

Shields against negative energies, providing a protective aura for your pet.

Flower Stone
Enhances personal growth and transformation, perfect for young or evolving pets.