Jodo Kast was a member of Alliance SpecOps who became a bounty hunter in the time of the Galactic Civil War. Kast wore Mandalorian armor similar to Boba Fett's, though he was not a Mandalorian himself. Early in his bounty hunting career, Kast even painted his armor to look almost identical to Fett's, in order to gain notoriety and demand larger payments. Valuing credits over ideals and loyalties, Kast worked for the Empire, Black Sun, the New Republic, or anyone who would pay him.

Kast participated in a number of hunts, some successful, some, like those of Cornelius Evazan and Adar Tallon, unsuccessful. He worked for a time with fellow hunters Puggles Trodd and Zardra, before eventually going solo. Having once modeled his career after Boba Fett, Kast later established himself as a rival to Fett, concerning himself with building his reputation. Forsaking even the rules of his profession, Kast took Fett's name for the sake of higher-paying jobs, while setting the goal for himself of taking Fett's place in the top echelons of bounty hunting.

Kast's impersonation of Fett eventually caught up with him, though, when the other bounty hunter sought to reclaim his own reputation. Fett baited a trap on Nal Hutta, using an alias to offer a bounty on a nonexistent man. When Kast came to Nal Hutta, Fett attacked and defeated him, leaving Kast to be killed by his own exploding jetpack.