Possibly the most important and crucial Cure that you should place in your home and office in 2023. The yāo chán wàn guàn Wealth Protection script can help occupants of the home and office to avoid many problems such as loss of wealth, lawsuits and also help enhance wealth and business.

To ensure that this Cure is as effective as possible, this script is traditionally seated in an eight-sided faceted rare gemstone such as a diamond or sapphire by a Feng Shui Master although we appreciate that not everyone has hundreds of thousands of pounds or dollars to spend on a Feng Shui Cure which is why we recreated this Cure with faceted glass of the highest quality as the glass helps to permeate around the whole home and office to create a very strong wealth protection and enhancer around the whole property.

The inscriptions would be inscribed on to a solid gold sheet which would have been very hard to get hold of thousands of years ago which is the reason that many cures like this are becoming slightly more accessible in modern times as similar materials are becoming easier to source. Thousands of years ago, this cure would have only been available to the very rich as this Cure would have been made from solid gold and diamond; the ultimate wealth Cure. We had this Cure recreated in faceted glass and 24 carat gold plated card to ensure that wealth protection is available to as many people as possible but apart from this, the yāo chán wàn guàn Wealth Protection script is embedded with the same extremely powerful wealth protection script that was used thousands of years ago and is still equally as powerful without the hundred thousand pound price tag.

On the bottom of the faceted glass diamond is hand engraved with a thought charm which encourages wealth gains and is placed at the bottom so that the eight facets radiate the talisman around the whole of the home or office to ensure that this Cure is as powerful as it can be. yāo chán wàn guàn translated into English means great riches, “ten thousand strings of gold on money belt” which symbolises to never be without money and carry tremendous wealth luck with you throughout the year.

This Wealth Protection script is an extremely powerful Cure helping with Wealth protection, lawsuits, business growth and career.

Size and weight (90 (h) x 50 (w) mm – 3.5 x 2 inch) 41 grams 

Where do I place the Yao chan wan guan Wealth Protection script in 2024?

The Yao chan wan guan Wealth Protection script should be placed in the northeast of your home or office or northeast area of an important room.

How do I display the Yao chan wan guan Wealth Protection script?

You should place the Yao chan wan guan Wealth Protection script on a desk, table or shelf with the Taoist script on display. We provide very detailed instructions on placement with this cure to make sure you activate it correctly