TITLE: Autumn Forest Trees
 Completed Oil Painting
Image size : 10 x 8 inches Frame size : 15 x 12 inches
Oak Frame behind glass,  ready to hang
Comes with a Certificate Of Authenticity
Signed by Artist/Seller

Graham was born in Queensland Australia 1960

Predominantly self taught he chose oil paints as his medium and painted wet into wet, which is the style of the impressionist artists and lends itself best for outdoor painting like those of the AustralianHeidelberg school of artists.

1984 saw Graham move to the "World Heritage listed" Blue Mountains west of Sydney . His professional career begun here by selling his pintings to tourists from all parts of the world

Graham lived as an Artist In Residence at Dunmoochin, Victoria 1998, the home of renowned Australian artist Clifton Pugh,

In 2003 he traveled to China where he lived there for 4 years and met some great Chinese artists who showed him the techniques of ink wash painting.

After 35 Years of professionally Painting he has won many awards including a first place in last years prestigious  Blackheath Rhododendron art competition  2018

Grahams works have been commissioned for many print publications , including novel and magazine covers, calendars and diaries.