
How to Build a Blacksmith Firepot

Don Meador

Build a moveable furnace on legs traditionally used by farriers. But you could use it as a small forge, heat treating, etc.

With simple tools you can build a fire pot 7 1/2" square internally and 4 3/4" deep, blown by a shop vac (here, at least). You can fire it with grocery store charcoal, coal, or even coke.

Simple, but useful project. Detailed instructions and many drawings. Good information.

Softcover booklet, 36 pages, fully illustrated.  8 1/2" x 11".

Check out ---> Secrets of the Forge: Beginning & Intermediate Projects for Blacksmiths 

Also see ---> The Blacksmith's Project Book: Intermediate & Advanced Projects from European Masters

Learn to Make Armor ---> The Armorer's Workshop DVD Set