75th Anniversary of the Royal Air Force Signed 2 B of B pilots and WAAF Hearn etc

01 Apr 93 Barbados postmark on Set of 4 Barbados 75th Anniversary of the Royal Air Force Stamps. Cover depicts April Morning France 1919 by Frank Wootton. Signed by 2 Battle of Britain Pilots a Fighter Pilot & RAAF

Alan W Gear DFC 32 Hurricane Sqn, Battle of Britain fighter pilot.

Sqn Ldr J G P Millard Ae Nos 1 & 242 and DSO,DFC & 2 bars Battle of Britain and Dunkirk Fighter pilot

Avis Hearn awarded M M for Bravery during Battle of Britain whilst under stuka attack on poling radar.

also Signed by Wg Cdr Taps Tappin DFC was a Flying Instructor Commissioned late 1940 posted to 52 O.T.U. Deben DFC8 3 SQn 157 Sqn took part in the Dieppe raid and the Channel dash.took part in the Dieppe raid and the Channel dash. and

R A C Cater CB,DSO,DFC with 103 & 150 Sqn's.