Begonia tuberhybrida - Illumination Mixed

Begonia - Illumination Mixed F1 are stunning large double flowers produced on long trailing branching stems that are ideal for hanging baskets or taller containers because of their very vigorous habit. They have tubourous roots, which means rather than long thin thread like roots, it produces bulbous roots in the ground.

When to Sow: January to March.

Where to Sow: In pots at 18°C and cover with glass or polythene to retain moisture until the seed germinates which usually takes 2-3 weeks. Do not exclude light which is benificial for germination.

What to do Next: When seedlings are large enough to handle, prick off into trays and grow on. Gradually harden off and plant out from May onwards.

Flowers: April to June

Pack Size - 25 Pelleted Seeds

Begonia tuberhybrida - Illumination Mixed