
Contouring Bolsters with a Drill Press (DVD)

Weldon began making knives for the public in 1965. With a background in machining, he has been able to apply many of his machining skills to the trade of knife making.

Weldon does his own embellishments to include engraving, scrimshaw, and file work in an effort to be the sole artist on his work. He and his wife Doris reside in OdessaTexas where he now works as a full time knife maker.

Making contoured bolster joints can be a challenge, especially if you do not have special machinery such as a pantograph mill. Watch Weldon as he teaches how to make contoured bolsters using a mold, a jig, and a drill press.

This video covers:

  *  Making the bolster pattern

  *  Making the handle mold

  *  Making the handle pattern

  *  Cutting out the contoured bolster

  *  Cutting out the matching contoured scale 

(Running Time: 1 Hour 8 Minutes) 

Copyright 2011

Great reviews!!---> FORGED: Making a Knife with Traditional Blacksmith Skills

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