400mm (0.4mm) Extra long

Heavy Duty Quality Nylon Mesh Filter Bag

(a smaller size is available - please visit shop)



The bag measures 29cm x 80cm (11.5” x 31.5”). It is made of a high quality nylon mesh and is very strong, The filter bag is an excellent addition to any pond filter set up, cutting down on maintenance of your main filter and so easy to use and set up.

The bags remove solid matter which would otherwise overload the biological process of any multibay filter. The bag removes the solid matter meaning the bacteria are able to obtain plenty of oxygen and so efficiently complete the conversion process of changing fish waste and rotting vegetation into important nitrates for your aquatic plants to utilise.

You will be amazed what detritus is removed by adding a single filter, remember multiple filters can be added for larger systems. The bag is fitted to any round pipe by pulling the draw string and attaching using a hose clip to keep it securely in place.

The bags are easy to clean: simply turn inside out, wash with a hose and looks as good as new again. The bags are mechanical filters which are easily changed and greatly improve the efficiency of your biological filter system. All our bags are synthetic and fish safe, all stitching is silicone free, and they come with a drawstring opening.

The benefits are huge:

·         Removes solids down to 400 micron (0.4mm) in size

·         Reduced filter maintenance,

·         Solid waste is easy to remove from filter,

·         Clearer pond water,

·         Cleaner filter boxes / bays,

·         Less work for your bio filter.

·         Protects bio stages from solid waste,

·         Micron filter bags are cleanable and reusable.


You will not regret adding a filter bag to your system


See our shop for smaller size filter bags which are available

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.