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Easy Keypad Repair Kit - Money Back Guarantee!

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Panasonic KX-TGA410 membrane keypad

Membrane keypad fixes all your buttons




Small screwdrivers,  Isopropyl Alcohol  70% (better 90%),  rag/q-tips/old  toothbrush
supplies needed      

1) Disassemble  your phone.
2) CRITICAL: Clean and dry the circuit  board and rubber keypad using isopropyl alcohol. Rags, cotton balls or q-tips  come in handy here. Make sure all the  oils are removed before installation. The circuit board should not be sticky or slimy.
If necessary you can remove the rubber keypad and clean it  in the sink using hot water. Just make sure it is completely dry before putting  it back in the phone.
3) Peel the  bottom brown liner off the spacer (side marked with red) and apply to the circuit board. Center the spacer as best you can. If not lined up properly the spacer can be  removed and re-applied.
4) Remove the top  brown liner from the spacer and stick down the black conductor layer writing side up. The conductor layer should be straight and flat after installation.

Make sure the black material does not contact  any metal on the board or the microphone. Do not intentionally press down hard  around the button areas causing indentations. It only needs to be tacked down  enough to hold it in place. The rubber keypad will set and hold it in position  permanently.


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