5 Colours Dye + Crystals for Decorating Easter Eggs 


The package contains: 6 sachets  red, yellow, blue, green, orange colours & crystals (white sachet in the pack). For colouring 50 eggs and 10 crystal eggs.

EASTER EGG DYE 1. Keep the boiled eggs in warm water. Dissolve the dyes separately in 150 ml hot water and add 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar. Immerse the eggs one by one in the solution until reaching the desired colour. Dry and rub the eggs with cooking oil to give them a soft shine (not suitable for crystal eggs). If you want your eggs to be with bright colours, use lighter eggs. CRYSTALS – In a suitable pan put 10 washed eggs. Cover them with cold water and pour the package of crystals in the water. Boil the eggs for 15 min. Leave them to cool in the same water for the egg shells to cover with crystals. Option 1 -  On the still wet egg pour drops of different colours in a pattern of your desire. Option 2 Wrap the egg covered with crystals in cotton pad and pour a few drops of already made dye all over use different colours to get multicoloured crystal eggs. Unwrap the eggs When you are sure that the desired colour is achieved. Option 3 simply dip the eggs in the already made dye until reaching the desired colour for single coloured crystal eggs.

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