How this listing works: You get 10 "points" to spend on minis from the list below this; all of my minis are divided by point value, between 1 and 4 points each.  So you choose minis from this list that add up to 10 points' worth, send me that list, and I send them to you.  I give a special deal to people who buy multiple lots, so check out my offer below. 
-- You will often see multiples listed for the different minis (e.g. Skeleton x9); this does not mean you get all the multiples for the listed price.  Each individual mini costs the listed points, and I let you know how many I have because sometimes people want lots of a particular mini for big encounter groups. 
-- I can't emphasize this strongly enough: You have to contact me to finish this transaction.  If you don't contact me to let me know which minis you want, I can't act.  A lot of my customers are new to Ebay and/or new to D&D, or buying minis for kids/grandkids who are getting into the game, and don't know what to pick.  I'm happy to help you out, right up to and including picking the minis for you, just ask!  But contact me to ask.  You can send me a direct message through Ebay's messaging system (there should be a choice to "Contact seller" on the drop-down menu next to this lot on your "Purchased Items" page), or you can include a message when you purchase the lot in the first place.  I will also try to contact you when I get your order, but a lot of people seem to use email accounts for Ebay that they never check, so understand that it will be hard for me to communicate with you if you never check your messages.  If a week goes by and I haven't heard from a customer, I cancel the transaction and refund your payment.   
-- You get a better deal if you buy multiple lots.  The listing gives you "free shipping", but what that really means is that normal domestic shipping is factored into the purchase price, so if you buy more than one lot at once, I usually save quite a bit on my shipping costs.  I'm happy to hand those savings back to you in either of two ways: (1) You can have a shipping refund, $2 per lot after the first, or (2) you can pick more minis, 1 extra point per lot after the first.  So 2 lots would get you $2 or 1 extra point, 3 lots would get you $4 or 2 extra points, etc. 
-- I have also included a short description of most minis to give you some sense of what they look like, though some characters are pretty weird and hard to describe.  I can't include pictures of so many minis, though, so if you want to see a picture of a specific mini, try typing its name into the Ebay search engine, maybe also with some combination of "D&D", "Pathfinder", "mini", or "miniature" as keywords, and it should come up.    
-- These are all 28mm scale pre-painted plastic miniatures intended for fantasy games like Dungeons and Dragons and Pathfinder.  Most of them were made by either Wizards of the Coast or Paizo, though I also now have a lot of Heroclix, Heroscape, and Dreamblade minis at low price points, but they play well together, so don't worry about getting only D&D minis or only Pathfinder.  They're totally mix-and-match.  (Heroclix and Dreamblade bases maybe a little less so, since they have visible writing and stats.  They're cheap, though ;-) Also, it's the nature of these minis that they sometimes are a bit bendy at skinny parts, especially long skinny weapons like swords and spears.  So I won't consider such minis "broken"; everyone who uses them is just used to bending them around a bit when we use them in play.  (Bathing them into shape in hot water and then shocking them with cold water can help reshape them, if you're looking for a remedy!)  Minis that are genuinely damaged I list as such, and offer at a discount.   
-- Some of the older Wizards of the Coast minis originally included a stat card for use in a minis skirmish game.  If the listing for such minis says nothing, the card is included; I only say something about it if the card is missing.  Pathfinder minis (and newer Wizards of the Coast minis) never had cards to begin with.  Also, older Wizards minis came in little sealed plastic baggies; if my minis are still in baggies, I tell you so.  I include stat cards unless you tell me not to.  I won't promise you'll get a bagged mini unless you specifically ask for it.   
-- I also have another Choose Your Own Minis Lot listing exactly like this one that's for Monsters, and the point system works in exactly the same way, so feel free to spend points on minis from either list; it doesn't matter to me at all. 
-- California customers will pay a 7.5% sales tax.   
Plus, DICE! I've accumulated a fair number of random dice of all the usual types, so if you need any extra dice, for 1 point, I'll toss in 2 dice from my collection.  Just tell me what sort you want: d4, d6, d8, d10 (ones or tens), d12, or d20.  (You can state a color preference if you like, which I'll honor if I can.)  Or you can get a complete set of 7 dice for 3 points, including a d4, d6, d8, two d10 (one 1's and one 10's), a d12, and a d20 (though I won't promise a matched set.)  
I've also added some pictures so you can see examples of Heroscape, Heroclix, Mage Knight, and Dreamblade minis, and also a picture of what they look like rebased onto blank bases, so you can judge for yourself how well they'd work for you.  If you can use them, you can save a lot of $$$! 

1 point each:

Abel Terror (Horrorclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- bald, almost naked male human covered w/ blue tattoos, some of which are coming to life
Abra Kadabra x4 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ stats and writing) -- bald, mustachioed human male w/ spell effects in hands, levitating off the ground on a flying base
Altem Guardsman x2 (Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- medium- or heavy-armored male (race obscured) w/ sword and dagger
Amazon Blademistress (Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- light-armored female human w/ sword, could be rogue, ranger, etc.
Amotep Gunner x3 (Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- medium-armored male human w/ staff that looks a bit technological

Atlantean Swordmage x2 (Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ text) -- light- or unarmored male human w/ sword and pistol-like wand
Attuma x10 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ stats and writing, Fear Itself version) -- blue-skinned water genasi or undine rising on a wave of water w/ sword

Azata Wilder x8 [Bralani eladrin] (Pathfinder) -- pale male eladrin or elf w/ fancy bow
Bartolomeo D'Alviano x2 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- aristocratic human male w/ greatsword
Berserker x4 (Dungeon of the Mad Mage #17 version) -- human female in furs w/ big battleaxe, nice barbarian

Bilbo Baggins (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ stats and writing, The Hobbit version) -- male halfling w/ sword
Bilbo Baggins x2 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ stats and writing, Desolation of Smaug version) -- male halfling w/ sword
Black Powder Boomer x8 (Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ stats and writing) -- heavy-armored male human or dwarf w/ big gun attached to some sort of backpack
Bobby x2 -- tubby dwarf child or male halfling, great for NPC
Bryn Lightfingers x8 -- leather-armored female halfling or gnome w/ sword and cape
Cardinal of the UCT x7 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- looming medium-armored male (race hidden by armor) w/ massive hammer and cape, nice evil cleric
Champion of Dol Dorn (no card, DAMAGED) -- heavy-armored male dwarf w/ greatsword, sword seems to be a little shorter than it should be
Colleen Wing x2 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- light-armored (like an all-white jumpsuit) female human w/ katana (longsword), looks a bit modern
Crystal Bladesman (Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- medium- or heavy-armored male human or half-elf w/ sword
Damian Wayne x7 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ stats and writing) -- crouched male w/ hooded cloak, sword on back, nice rogue or other sneaky type

Dark Crusader x6 (Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ stats and writing) -- light- or medium-armored female human w/ big scythe-like weapon and shield, nice evil warrior r blackguard
Death Chanter x6 
(Dreamblade mini on yellow square base w/ text, 3 in bag) -- hunched human male, could be naked and covered only by hair, monochrome grey paint job
Death Demon x2
(Heroclix mini on click-base w/ text) -- medium-armored male figure in samurai-mask w/ sword
Deep Gnome Warrior (Pathfinder) -- light-armored female deep gnome w/ spear and shield
Deepwood Sentinel
(Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- light-armored female human, elf, or half-elf w/ spear and shield
Doctor Druid x4 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- bald male human w/ cape sitting Indian-style and hovering in mid-air, nice spellcaster

Dr. Cyber x3 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ stats and writing) -- metal-skinned shapely female w/ cape, could be a spellcaster
Dr. Strange x5 version 1 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats, Amazing Spiderman version) -- male human w/ spell effects around his hands, nice spellcaster
Dr. Strange x5 version 2 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ text, Avengers/Defender's War version) -- male human w/ cape and spell effects around his hands, nice spellcaster
Druid x2 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ text) -- bearded human male in robes w/ hooded cape, nice druid or other spellcaster, or could be NPC
Duskwalker Ghost Hunter (Pathfinder) -- light-armored male half-orc w/ hatchet
Dwarf Magewright x3 -- female dwarf w/ mohawk and spell effect in hand
Dwarf Raider (no card) -- medium-armored female dwarf w/ crossbow
Dwarf Wizard x6 (Pathfinder) -- male dwarf w/ staff, spell effect in hand
Dwarven Berserker x4
(Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- medium- or heavy-armored male dwarf w/ battleaxe
Dwarven Fuser x4 (Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- medium-armored male dwarf w/ musket or blunderbuss

Dwarven Rotary Gunner x2 (Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- medium-armored male dwarf w/ big minigun
Dwarven Sniper x3
(Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- light-armored male dwarf in crouch w/ long rifle
Dwarven Thunder Gunner x4
(Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ text) -- medium-armored male dwarf w/ blunderbuss
Eagle-Feather Warrior x10 (Dreamblade mini on blue square base w/ some printing, 4 in bag) -- Native American female human w/ feathers in hand, a little larger than the ordinary Medium-sized mini

Echo (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ stats and writing) -- female human in tight black body-suit w/ sword, nice fighter or ninja
Elf-at-Arms (Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- medium-armored male elf, half-elf, or human w/ two morningstars
Elf Fighter x3 -- medium-armored male elf or half-elf w/ hammer and shield
Elite Gladiator
(Dreamblade mini on blue square base w/ text) -- male tiefling w/ trident and net, a bit larger than normal scale, not a detailed paint job
Elite Gladiator (Dreamblade mini on blue square base w/ some printing) -- hulking, pushing Large size light-armored male tiefling w/ trident and net, uninspired paint job
Elven Zealot
(Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ text) -- light- or medium-armored male elf or half-elf w/ sword and dagger
Empire Vateran (Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ text) -- light- or medium-armored male human w/ 2 swords, nice ranger, rogue, or fighter
Empress x2 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ stats and writing, no cards) -- light-armored masked female (race obscured by mask) w/ short staff or baton in a crouch, maybe a martial artist
Erithia Starsdawn x2
(Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ text) -- scantily clad female (race hard to make out) w/ blue flames in either hand, not a great paint job
Fandral version 1 x3 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats, Hammer of Thor version) -- light-armored aristocratic-looking human male w/ sword
Fandral version 2 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats, Avengers version) -- medium-armored human male w/ sword and cape
Freak x7 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- hulking unarmed bald male human in tattered clothes
Galeshi Emissary
(Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- light-armored male human w/ big morningstar, nice barbarian or gladiator
Galeshi Knife Dancer
(Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- scantily clad human female w/ knife behind back, looks like a harem assassin
Gimmerling (Pathfinder) -- technically a fey creature, but the mini looks just like an ordinary human boy, great for villager
Gleam -- lithe dancing grey-skinned female in dress w/ moon-shaped mask, nice dancing bard or NPC
Gloom Weaver x3 -- pale-skinned male elf w/ purple spell effect rising at his feet
Gnome Inquisitive x5 -- Male gnome w/ wand (?) and magnifying glass

Gold Dwarf Fighter (no card; DAMAGED: axe-head is missing; PRICE REDUCED) -- medium-armored male dwarf w/ broken axe (head missing) and cape
Graceful Slayer x5 (Pathfinder) light-armored gender-ambiguous elf or half-elf w/ sword, longbow on back, nice ranger or barbarian
Grave Robber x10
(Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ stats and writing) -- hunched male half-orc w/ shovel
Halfling Rogue x15 (Monster Menagerie 2 version) -- leather- or unarmored female halfling w/ gem in hand|
Halfling Slinger x2 (Pathfinder) -- light-armored halfling (gender-ambiguous) w/ sling and dagger
Half-Orc Barbarian x2 (Monster Menagerie 2 version) -- light-armored half-orc or human female w/ warhammer
Hand Ninja, version 1 x4 (Heroclix mini on base w/ writing and stats, no cards) -- leather-armored and hooded human male w/ katana (longsword)

Hand Ninja, version 2 (Heroclix mini on base w/ writing and stats, no card) -- leather-armored and hooded human male w/ 2 sets of nunchuks
Harry Leland x5 (Heroclix mini on base w/ writing and stats, no cards) -- aristocratic portly human male, great NPC
Hellspawn Adept (no spell) (Pathfinder) -- female tiefling in hooded robe w/ staff, version w/ spell effect at 2 points
Hellspawn Monk x4 (Pathfinder) -- female tiefling in robes, martial arts pose, or could be about to cast a spell
Hercules version 1 x3 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats, Secret Invasion version, 1 card) -- hulking male human w/out weapons, looks like a brawler

Hercules version 2 x13 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats, Infinity Challenge version, no cards) -- hulking male human w/out weapons, looks like a brawler
Hercules version 3 x3 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats, Civil War version) -- bare-chested unarmed muscular human male, nice barbarian or brawler
Hercules version 4 x6 (Heroclix mini on base w/ writing and stats, The Mighty Thor version) -- light-armored unarmed muscular human male, nice barbarian or brawler
Hogun x4 
(Heroclix mini on base w/ writing and stats, no cards, The Mighty Thor version) -- light-armored human male w/ mace
Honor Guard x2 
(Dreamblade mini on blue square base w/ text, in bag) -- Babylonian-looking human male w/ spear and shield
Human Hunter x2 (Rime of the Frost Maiden version) -- human female in winter clothes w/ longbow
Human Monk x7 (Monster Menagerie 2 version) -- female human in robes, nice martial artist

Human Sun Soul Monk x6 -- unarmed dark-skinned human male in boxing pose
Huntsman x6
(Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ stats and writing, 5 Lancers version, 1 Unlimited version) -- light-armored human male w/ rifle
Inspired Samurai (Dreamblade mini on blue square base w/ some printing) -- male human in robes w/ large inscribed katana and scroll in off-hand, skin looks a bit metallic
Iron Lung (Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- heavy-armored humanoid in underwater breathing apparatus w/ trident
Izumi Samurai 1 x3 (on Heroscape base, looks grassy) -- male human samurai in medium armor w/ katana (longsword)

Izumi Samurai 2 x7 (on Heroscape base, looks grassy) -- male human samurai in medium armor  w/ katana and wakizashi (longsword and shortsword)
Izumi Samurai 3 (on Heroscape base, looks grassy) -- male human samurai in robes w/ katana (longsword)

Jarhild Stoneforge x8 -- heavy-armored female dwarf w/ sword and shield
Jason Blood x2 (Brave and Bold version,
Heroclix mini on base w/ writing and stats, no cards) -- human male in robes preaching from book
Jax-Ur x5 (Heroclix mini on base w/ writing and stats, no cards) -- plainly dressed human male, nice NPC
Jericho (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ text) -- unarmed, unarmored human male in nice outfit, great for NPC or bard
Kalashtar (male) x2 -- shirtless kalashtar or human male w/ spell effects coming from body, nice spellcaster or psion
Kender x2 -- unarmored gender-neutral kender (halfling) w/ slingstaff
Khamsin Artillerist x2 
(Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ text) -- light-armored gender-neutral human w/ what looks like a shoulder-carried bazooka
Khamsin Freelancer x4
(Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- medium-armored male (race obscured) w/ pistol
Khamsin Fuser x7 (Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ writing and stats, 2 versions) -- medium- or heavy-armored male (race obscured) w/ musket or blunderbuss w/ blade attached to barrel

Khamsin Gunslinger x2 (Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- light- or medium-armored male (race obscured) w/ 2 pistols
Khamsin Trooper x2 
(Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ text) -- medium-armored male (race obscured) w/ musket w/ an axeblade attached
Kirigi x2 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- hooded male (race obscured) w/ sword, nice ninja
Knife Thrower x3 (Horrorclix mini on click-base w/ text) -- blindfolded human male throwing knives, looks like a carnival gypsy
Knight of Dusk and Dawn x4
(Dreamblade mini on blue square base w/ text) -- medium-armored male human w/ sword and shield, monochrome silver paint job, could also be statue
Knight of the Bronze Horn x1
(Dreamblade mini on blue square base w/ text, in bag) -- heavy-armored human male w/ mace and cape blowing a horn, mostly monochrome silver, could also be statue
Knight of Strife and Joy x3
(Dreamblade mini on blue square base w/ some printing) -- heavy-armored male (race obscured by armor) w/ big ornate shield
Knight of Tomorrow x5 (Dreamblade mini on blue square base w/ some printing) -- heavy-armored male (race obscured by armor) w/ mace, looks vaguely high-tech, could be  awesome for a sci-fi/fantasy blend)
Kobra x5 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats, no cards) --  human male in fancy robes standing on a golden cobra, nice spellcaster or snake-themed villain
Korvus x2 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ stats and writing) -- light- or medium-armored human male w/ extremely large, magical sword w/ transparent blue blade
Kryptonian Warrior x5 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- heavy-armored male (race obscured) w/ spear or lance and cape, nice royal guard or the like
Lady Blaze (Heroclix mini on click base w/ text) -- medium-armored female (race obscured) w/ horned helmet, could be tiefling, nice spellcaster
Lady Shiva x3
(Heroclix mini on click base w/ text) -- unarmed female human, could be NPC or monk
Larethar Gulgrin x3 -- heavy-armored male dwarf w/ sword, dagger, and cape
Leech Medic
(Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- light-armored female human w/ dagger, nice rogue or cutpurse
Lex Luthor x3
(Heroclix mini on click base w/ text, 10th Anniversary version) -- human male cloaked in red sitting on a wooden throne, nice NPC
Libra x2 
(Heroclix mini on click-base w/ text) -- masked figure in yellow hooded cape w/ staff and book, nice mysterious spellcaster
Lindir of Rivendell x3
(Heroclix mini on click-base w/ text) -- unarmed male elf, nice NPC
Lockjaw x2
(Dreamblade mini on grey square base w/ some printing) -- hulking dark-skinned woman (half-giant) w/ key- or clockwork-themed staff and axe
Lorelei version 1 x2 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats, Armor Wars version) -- attractive unarmed female human in skimpy dress, great for an NPC (especially a lady of the night)
Lorelei version 2 x2
(Heroclix mini on base w/ writing and stats, The Mighty Thor version) -- attractive female human, great NPC
Madame Xanadu x4 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ text) -- female human in dress, nice NPC
Magdalena x4 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ stats and writing, no cards) -- attractive light-armored female human w/ sword, pistol, and hooded cape, stylish gunslinger
Magestone Knight x4 (Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ text) -- heavy-armored male elf w/ double-bladed sword and wand or high-tech pistol
Mammoth x7 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats, Teen Titans version, 2 cards) --  leather- or unarmored hulking unarmed human male, nice brawler or barbarian
Mandarin x10 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ stats and writing, Iron Man version) -- unarmed male human in robes, nice spellcaster or NPC
Marvel Boy x14 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats, Hammer of Thor version, 3 cards) -- human male w/ cape, nice for a royal-looking NPC
Mending Priestess (Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ writing and stats, 1 DAMAGED) -- female human, half-elf, or elf in robes w/ staff (damaged one has broken staff, looks more like wand), nice spellcaster
Merry version 1 x10 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats, Fellowship of the Ring version) -- unarmed male halfling w/ cape, nice NPC
Merry version 2 x2 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats, Lord of the Rings version) -- male halfling w/ sword and cape
Mirkwood Jailer x2 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ stats and writing) -- male elf or half-elf w/ ring of keys in hand, nice jailer NPC
Mister Hyde x2 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ stats and writing) -- unarmed muscular human male in ordinary clothes, nice brawler or NPC
Mordru x2 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ text, Crisis version) -- well-dressed human male, looks like he's maybe casting a spell
Mortar Altem (Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ text) -- light- or medium-armored male (race obscured) stooped to load a mortar
Nightblade version 1 x5 (Mage Knight mini on click base w/ stats and writing, Rebellion version) -- female human or half-elf in skimpy S&M gear w/ sword, could be assassin or rogue
Nightblade version 2 x5 (Mage Knight mini on click base w/ stats and writing, Unlimited version, 2 missing their ponytails) -- female elf in skimpy S&M gear w/ sword and dagger
Nightrunner x4 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ stats and writing) -- unarmed light- or unarmored male (race obscured) in hooded mask, nice ninja
Nightstalker (Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- medium-armored male human, half-elf, or elf w/ dagger and longbow
Ninja x2 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- scantily-clad female human w/ sword, nice ninja
Non x2 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- hulking unarmed human male in sleeveless uniform, great for a massive bruiser
Phillipus x8 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- medium- or heavy-armored dark-skinned female human w/ spear and shield
Phobos x2 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ stats and writing)-- young-looking light- or unarmored male human w/ massive axe, sword on back
Pippin version 1 x15 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ stats and writing, Fellowship of the Ring version) -- unarmed male halfling w/ cape, nice NPC
Pluto x3 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- heavy-armored sinister male human w/ cape, unarmed, looks like an evil Big-Bad
Precognitive Mage x2 -- dark-skinned human (gender ambiguous) in robes w/ glowing staff
Preskan Barbarian (Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- bare-chested human male w/ greataxe, nice barbarian or savage warrior
Purifier x3 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- unarmed male human in priest's robes, nice cleric or NPC priest
Ra's al-Ghul x4 version 1 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats, Legacy version, no cards) -- shirtless human male w/ sword, nice for a pirate or the like
Raelin the Kyrie Warrior (Heroscape mini on brown base w/ grassy look, DAMAGED) -- medium- or heavy-armored female human w/ lance or spear and winged helmet, usually has angel wings but they're missing; nice paladin
Ratfolk Grenadier x3 (Pathfinder) -- Small-sized ratfolk w/ hand-crossbow and bomb in cape
Raven x7 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats, Icons version, 3 white dress, 4 dark blue dress) -- female human in hooded cloak looming massively behind her,
nice spellcaster
Reghed Nomad with Cage x4 -- light- or medium-armored male (race obscured) w/ skull mask, hooded fur cloak and dagger
Ronan the Accuser x5
(Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- heavy-armored hulking blue-skinned male w/ big warhammer
Ronin (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- hooded male dressed all in black w/ 2 pair of nunchuks, great for a ninja
Royal Pikeman x4 (Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ stats and writing) -- heavy-armored male human, elf, or half-elf w/ halberd
Satana Hellstrom x2 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- female human w/ cape standing in flames, w/ transparent hands casting spell, nice sinister spellcaster
Scarlet Witch x4 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats, Infinity Challenge version) -- female human w/ cape, nice spellcaster
Scientist Supreme x4 (Heroclix mini on click base w/ text) -- human female in fancy outfit w/ cape, nice aristocratic NPC or spellcaster
Secret Empire Agent x8 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ stats and writing) -- unarmed male (race obscured) in hooded robes w/ mask, nice cultist
Seething Knight x3 (Mage Knight mini on click base w/ stats and writing, Rebellion version) -- heavy-armored male human or half-elf w/ sword, nice martial type
Selena (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- attractive female human in cape w/ a rose in one hand, nice NPC or spellcaster
Seven Deadly Brothers x7 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- unarmed male human in a martial-arts pose, great for a monk
Shadar-Kai Assassin x13 (2 in bag, 7 cards) -- male unarmored pale elf w/ spiked chain
Shadow Dancer -- pale-skinned bald male human w/ chains wrapped around his arms
Shang-Chi x2 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats, Avengers version) -- shirtless human male in martial-arts stance, great monk
Shanna x9 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats, 2 cards) -- leather-armored female human w/ sword crouched on log, nice ranger or barbarian

Shield Dwarf Wizard -- male dwarf in robes w/ staff
Shield Maiden
(Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- light- or medium armored female human, elf, or half-elf w/ tower shield, sword at hip
Shifter Rogue x2 (one w/ dagger, one unarmed) -- leather-armored male shifter
(Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ stats and writing) -- light-armored male human w/ crossbow
Sif (Heroclix mini on click base w/ text, Thor: Dark World version) -- medium- or heavy-armored human female w/ 2 swords and cape, nice ranger or fighter
Sightless Eunuch x5 (Dreamblade mini on blue square base w/ stats and writing) -- turbaned shirtless human male w/ sword, face covered by turban
Soul Slicer x3
(Dreamblade mini on grey square base w/ text) -- human female w/ 2 sharp-pointed fans, mostly monochrome opalescent white w/ pink fans
Spartoi Elite x8 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- unarmed human male in uniform, nice NPC
Spiker Champion x5 (2 in bag, 1 promo version, 1 card) -- heavy-armored metallic-skinned female spiker w/ sword and shield
Spirit Folk Fighter x9 (1 card) -- light-armored female elf or half-elf w/ sword, nice barbarian
Spirit of the Harp x4 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- female sitting on knees and playing large harp, nice bard or NPC
(Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- light-armored male human, elf, or half-elf carrying a sheathed longsword and shield
Standard Bearer 
(Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ stats and writing) -- medium- or heavy-armored male elf or half-elf w/ sword and banner on a pole
Steam Gunner x4 (Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- medium- or heavy-armored female (race obscured) w/ large gun attached to backpack
Stoutheart Halfling Female Bard x2 -- light-armored female halfling w/ dagger, lute slung behind
Stryfe x3 
(Heroclix mini on click-base w/ text, Giant-sized X-Men version) -- heavy-armored male w/ fancy helmet and cape, nice BBEG
Sylph Sneak (Pathfinder) -- female light-armored sylph, air genasi, or elf w/ starknife
Talenta Halfling x6 (1 card) -- halfling (gender ambiguous) in hooded robes w/ boomerang
Tanarus x2 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- heavy-armored male human or aasimar w/ hammer, nice fighter, cleric, or paladin
Tarkanan Assassin -- light-armored female human w/ 2 swords
Tarn Viking Warrior version 1 x10 (Heroscape mini on round brown base, looks grassy) -- medium-armored human male w/ spear, shield, and horned helmet
Tarn Viking Warrior version 2 x4 (Heroscape mini on round brown base, looks grassy) -- medium-armored human male w/ sword, shield, and winged helmet
Tarn Viking Warrior version 3 x7 (Heroscape mini on round brown base, looks grassy) -- medium-armored human male w/ sword and shield
Tarn Viking Warrior version 4 x6 (Heroscape on round brown base w/ grassy sticker) -- medium-armored male, race obscured by armor, w/ greatsword
Technomancer x2 (Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ text, 1 DAMAGED) -- hooded male (race obscured) torso mounted on mechanical tripod legs, holding a staff (Damaged one is missing staff)
Technoprentice x3
(Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ text) -- bald male human in robes w/ laser rifle
Templar (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- medium-armored human male w/ longbow, dressed like crusader
Tengu Bard x3 (Pathfinder) -- female tengu or kenku (crow-humanoid) in kimono dancing with two fans
The Bombardier (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- male human w/ mace (probably meant to be an old-fashioned grenade, but looks like a mace)
Thorgrim the Viking Champion x7 (on round brown Heroscape base, looks grassy) -- medium- or heavy-armored male human w/ sword and shield, nice fighter or barbarian
Thule Society Priest x4
(Heroclix mini on base w/ writing and stats, no cards) -- human male in robes praying with arms up, awesome for a cultist NPC
Thunderball (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ stats and writing) --light-armored dark-skinned masked male human wielding a massive ball and chain
Thundra (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- muscular unarmed female human
Tigra version 1 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats, Fantastic Forces version, no cards) -- attractive tiger-striped female w/ tail, maybe a catfolk?
Typhoid Mary (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ stats and writing, no cards) -- skimpily-dressed female human w/ 2 swords, wearing a mask
Tyrannus x2 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ stats and writing, The Mighty Thor version) -- unarmed male human in cape, looks like aristocratic big bad
Ulik x7 
(Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats, The Mighty Thor version) -- hulking yellow-skinned unarmed human male, nice barbarian or brawler
Ultron x3 
(Heroclix mini on click-base w/ text, Chaos War version) --  attractive woman, almost naked except for some skin-tight metal, walking out of clouds of mist
Ultron Drone x2 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats, Chaos War version) -- attractive woman, almost naked except for some skin-tight metal, walking out of clouds of mist
Universo x2 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- human male in robes standing before a burst of golden light or energy, nice spellcaster
Utem Crossbowman x2 (Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- medium-armored male human w/ crossbow and maybe a wand or tool?
Utem Guardsman
(Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ stats and writing) -- light- or medium-armored male human w/ sword and shield
Valkyrie (version 1) x3 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats, Sinister version, no cards) -- light-armored female human w/ golden sword and cape
Valkyrie (version 2) x15 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats, Fear Itself version, 9 cards) -- light-armored female human w/ sword, nice fighter or barbarian
Valkyrie (version 3) (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats, The Mighty Thor version, DAMAGED) -- light-armored attractive human female w/ spear and cape, nice fighter, ranger, or barbarian, 1 braid broken off a bit short
War Priestess x5 (Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ text) -- light-armored female human or half-elf w/ dagger and cape, could be all sorts of thing
Weequay Mercenary x5 (Star Wars mini but great for fantasy) -- light-armored ugly male humanoid (half-orc?) lunging forward w/ dagger
Whirling Knifedancer x4 (Dreamblade mini on blue square base w/ some printing) -- shirtless human male balancing on one hand, feet replaced by blades; could be an unusual monk
Wild Elf Warsinger x15 (no cards) -- leather-armored female elf or half-elf w/ sword, could be nice bard, barbarian, rogue, ranger, or druid
Witch x7 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- human female in dress, nice NPC
Wong (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- bald human male in Asian suit, great for a monk or NPC
Woodland Scout x8 (Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ stats and writing) -- light-armored female elf or half-elf w/ sling and sword
Xandressan Diver x5 (Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ stats and writing) -- dark-skinned female human in bathing suit w/ 2 daggers
Yukio (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats, no cards) -- female human in robes, face painted white, on hand stretched into claws; makes a nice sinister-looking spellcaster
Zungar Blademaster (Dreamblade mini on blue square base w/ some printing) -- heavy-armored dwarf w/ sword, face hidden by helmet
Zungar Shieldsworn
(Dreamblade mini on blue square base w/ some printing) --  heavy-armored dwarf w/ shield and wierd hooked axe, face hidden by helmet

2 points each:

Absalom Watch Cadet (human) x6 (Pathfinder) -- uniformed human male w/ club and shield, nice city watchman
Akiza Guardian (Dreamblade mini on blue square base w/ some printing) -- dark-skinned human male (slightly larger than the typical Medium mini) w/ spear, looks Native American
Alanik Ray x2 -- aristocratic male human in wheelchair w/ pistol
Angelkin Redeemer [aasimar] x3 (Pathfinder) -- heavy-armored female aasimar w/ copper hair, sword, and shield, nice paladin
Apprentice Wizard version 1 x2 -- young male human w/ staff, nice spellcaster
Apprentice Wizard version 2 x4 -- young dark-skinned male human w/ wand, nice spellcaster
Arcanix Guard x6 (4 cards) -- medium-armored female (race obscured) w/ mace and shield, nice for a cleric
Armored Elf Soldier (Pathfinder) -- light- or medium-armored male elf or half-elf w// cape and sword
Arthur Sedgwick -- aristocratic young male human w/ sword and walking-stick
Azorius Arrester -- heavy-armored hooded female human w/ hammer and cape, nice cleric, fighter, or paladin
Berserker version #1 -- male human in white furs w/ large greataxe, great for barbarian
Blight Druid (Pathfinder) -- light-armored gender-ambiguous elf, half-elf, or human w/ spear and cape, nice druid or woodsy-type
Blind Envoy x6 (Dreamblade mini on blue square base w/ text, 1 in bag) -- medium-armored blindfolded human male w/ eye-topped staff and cape, kind of a monochrome paint job
Catfolk Rogue x5 (Pathfinder) -- leather-armored female tiger-striped catfolk or tabaxi w/ sword
Cazi Alphelandra x7 -- light- or medium-armored male elf or half-elf w/ oversized longbow
Champion of Dol Dorn x4 (no cards) -- heavy-armored male dwarf w/ greatsword
Changeling Rogue x8 (2 cards) -- grey-skinned male leather-armored figure in robes w/ sword, could also be drow or doppelganger
Chardalyn Barbarian x2 -- shirtless male human w/ flail
Chelish Marine x8 (Pathfinder) -- human male in fancy uniform w/ polearm

Cleric of Dol Arrah x6 (no cards) -- medium- or heavy-armored female (race obscured) w/ halberd and cape
Cleric of Zon-Kuthon x2 (Pathfinder) -- medium- or heavy-armored pale human male w/ flail
Combat Medic x12 (3 in bag, 4 cards) -- medium-armored human female in robes w/ mace and buckler, nice cleric
Copper Samurai x2 (no card) -- heavy-armored female human w/ sword and longbow, good samurai or other martial type
Crag Ungart x10 -- heavy-armored male dwarf w/ oversized sword
Crag Ungart (invisible) -- clear
transparent heavy-armored male dwarf w/ oversized sword
Crazed Maenad (Dreamblade mini on purple square base w/ text) -- female human w/ big polearm, carrying a jug
Dark Traveler x21 (10 cards) -- light- or medium-armored bald and tattooed male human, elf, or half-elf w/ sword and shield, nice magus, spellsword, or other spellcasting-martial mix

Deep Legionnaire x9 (3 in bag, 3 cards) light- or medium-armored male deep gnome (svirfneblin) w/ pick and shield
Delver Sergeant x14 (4 in bag, 7 cards) -- leather-armored female human, elf, or half-elf w/ torch, pointing the way forward
Demos Magen x2 -- light- or medium-armored male vedalken w/ greatsword
Devotee of the Silver Flame x11 (2 cards) -- heavy-armored male elf or half-elf w/ sword, shield, and cape, nice paladin, cleric, or fighter
Disciple of Ragnos x2 (Star Wars mini, but great for fantasy, no cards) -- light-armored masked male (race obscured) w/ dagger, nice rogue or assassin
Doomguard x4 (2 cards) -- leather-armored female human w/ 2 daggers, nice rogue or assassin
Dwarf Artificer x14 (Deathknell version, 2 cards) -- leather-armored male dwarf w/ morningstar
Dwarf Axefighter x10 (1 in bag, 1 card) -- medium-armored male dwarf w/ axe and shield
Dwarf Barbarian x5 (Dragoneye version, no cards) -- unarmored male dwarf w/ sword
Dwarf Battlerager x16 (6 in bag, 8 cards) -- male armored dwarf w/ 2 morningstars

Dwarf Brawler x4 (3 cards) -- bare-chested unarmed male dwarf, ready to wrestle
Dwarf Caver x18 (7 cards) -- light-armored male dwarf w/ 2 picks

Dwarf Maulfighter x7 (3 in bag, 2 cards) -- male medium-armored dwarf w/ big warhammer
Dwarf Raider x10 (no cards) -- medium-armored female dwarf w/ crossbow
Eagle Knight Officer x12 (Pathfinder) -- male human in military uniform w/ greatsword
Earth Genasi Fighter x6 -- medium-armored male earth genasi or human w/ 2-handed sword and crossbow on back, nice fighter or other martial type
Earth Shugenja x6 (3 in bag, 1 card) -- dark-skinned female human in robes, longsword at hip, nice sorcerer or monk
Einherjar x2 (Heroclix mini on click base w/ text) -- heavy-armored human male w/ sword, shield, and cape, nice paladin, cleric, or fighter
Elf Druid x5 (Pathfinder) -- light-armored male elf w/ staff
Elf Warrior x2 (in bag, no cards) -- leather-armored elf or half-elf w/ longbow
Elrond (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ stats and writing, Fellowship of the Ring version) -- medium- or heavy-armored male elf w/ sword and cape
Eternal Blade x4 (2 cards) -- heavy-armored female elf, half-elf, or human w/ sword and shield, nice paladin or other martial type
Evar Scarcarver (Heroscape mini on brown round base w/ grassy sticker) -- light- or medium-armored human or half-elf male w/ 2 blades of energy around his hands
Ezio x2 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ text, Revelations version) -- light-armored hooded human male w/ 2 daggers, nice rogue or assassin
Faramir version 1 x3 
(Heroclix mini on click-base w/ text, Fellowship of the Ring version) -- light-armored human male w/ sword and cape, nice ranger, fighter, or other martial type
Faramir version 2 (Heroclix mini on click base w/ text, Two Towers version) -- light-armored human male w/ sword and cape, nice ranger or fighter
Farmer (Pathfinder) -- simply clothed human male w/ scythe
Finn the Viking Champion x7 (Heroscape mini on brown round base w/ grassy sticker) -- medium-armored male (race obscured by armor) w/ sword, shield, and cape, nice martial type 
Fire Genasi Fighter x2 -- light- or medium-armored female fire genasi w/ crossbow
Firefist x6 -- heavy-armored male human w/ flaming greatsword, nice fighter, paladin, cleric, or cavalier
Forest Gnome Ranger -- female gnome or halfling w/ longbow

Galvan Magen -- male vedalken in robes levitating w/ spell effects around both hands
Githzerai Monk x8 (6 cards) -- green-skinned male githzerai in robes, martial arts pose; could also serve as a half-orc

Gnome Fighter x12 (3 cards) -- female armored gnome or halfling w/ sword
Gnome Mad Prophet x8 (Pathfinder) -- light- or medium-armored male gnome w/ wand and book, nice spellcaster
Gnome Trickster -- leather-armored male gnome w/ hooked hammer
Gnome Warrior (Pathfinder) -- light-armored female gnome w/ spear and shield
Gnome Wizard (Pathfinder) -- gender-ambiguous gnome, bright pink hair, w/ 2 daggers
Gold Dwarf Female Cleric x3 -- medium- or heavy-armored female dwarf w/ warhammer
Goliath Barbarian x2 (Rime of the Frost Maiden version) -- light- or medium-armored hulking male goliath (race obscured) w/ spear, shield, and wolf-skin cape
Goliath Fighter (hammer) x8 -- medium-armored hulking male goliath or oread w/ hammer
Goliath Fighter x13 (sword) -- hulking medium-armored male goliath w/ sword
Greyhawk City Militia Sergeant x10 (7 in bag, 7 cards, 1 card damaged) -- female armored human w/ spear or polearm
Guard of Mithral Hall x10 (in bag, 4 cards) -- light- or medium-armored male dwarf w/ axe and shield
Halfling Archer x4 (Demonweb version, 1 in bag) -- light-armored female halfling rushing forward w/ bow and cape
Halfling Butcher x7 (Pathfinder) -- leather-armored halfling w/ cleaver and dagger
Halfling Paladin x4 (no cards) -- medium-armored female (could pass for male) halfling w/ sword and shield, good for paladin, cleric, or fighter

Halfling Slinger x15 (War Drums version, 1 card) -- leather-armored male halfling w/ sling and cape
Halfling Sneak x6 (2 in bag, 1 cards) -- leather-armored male halfling w/ dagger and cape
Half-Orc Assassin x11 (1 card) -- male leather-armored half-orc w/ 2 daggers, nice rogue or assassin
Half-Orc Executioner x4 (2 in bag, no cards) -- hooded and bare-chested male half-orc or human w/ a big axe

Hand Ninja x2 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ text, Deadpool version) -- masked male figure in hooded red outfit w/ sword, nice ninja
Harmonium Guard x23 (1 in bag, 8 cards) -- heavy-armored male human with sword and shield, makes an unusual town guard or royal guard

Heart Thief x3 (Dreamblade mini on purple square base w/ some printing, 2 in bag) -- leather-armored dark-skinned female human w/ unusual 2-pronged knife impaling a heart
Heimdall version 1 x3 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats, Avengers version) -- medium- or heavy-armored dark-skinned human male w/ greatsword, nice martial-type
Heimdall version 2 x2 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats, Thor: The Dark World version) -- medium- or heavy-armored dark-skinned human male w/ greatsword, nice martial-type
Heimdall version 3 x2 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats, Fear Itself version) -- heavy-armored dark-skinned muscular human male w/ greatsword and cape, standing on tower top
Hellknight Signifer x2 -- heavily armored female (could be any Medium race) w/ swirling cape
Hellspawn Adept x4 (w/ spell) (Pathfinder) -- female tiefling in hooded robes w/ staff and spell-effect in hand, nice spellcaster
Hero of Valhalla x20 (4 in bag, 10 cards) -- male armored human, barbarian or fighter w/ longsword (bastard sword?) and shield, Viking flavor
Hollowborn Rogue x2 (Pathfinder) -- light-armored male drow or half-drow w/ 2 daggers
Hommet Shaw x11 -- pale male human or half-elf w/ book and staff, nice wizard

Human Arcanist (Pathfinder) -- bald dark-skinned human male w/ book and staff or rod, nice spellcaster
Human Artificer -- medium-armored female human w/ big sledgehammer
Human Cleric x2 -- medium-armored male human w/ sword and cape
Human Druid -- dark-skinned human male w/ snake-shaped spell effect in hand
Human Female Barbarian x9 -- leather or hide-armored female human w/ axe and fur cape, nice barbarian, ranger, or fighter
Human Hunter x17 (Pathfinder) -- light-armored female human (or elf or half-elf, I think) w/ longbow
Human Paladin x8 (Tyranny of Dragons version) -- heavy-armored male human w/ greatsword and cape, nice paladin, fighter, cavalier, or cleric
Human Paladin x3 (Mystic Odysseys of Theros version) -- medium- or heavy-armored female (race obscured by armor) w/ sword and shield, nice for any martial class
Human Paladin of the Oath of Vengeance x2 -- heavy- or medium-armored dark-skinned human female w. caoe and greatsword, nice paladin or other martial type
Human Wizard (Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica version) -- dark-skinned human woman w/ staff
Human Wizard (Fangs and Talons version) -- male human or half-elf in robes w/ book and staff, spell effect shooting from staff
Hypnos Magen x2 -- male vedalken in robes
Imperial Dignitary x10 (Star Wars mini, but perfect for fantasy, looks just like official D&D minis) -- male human (or other humanoid) in robes, nice cleric, spellcaster, or NPC

Imperial Sentinel x2 (Star Wars mini, but perfect for fantasy, looks just like official D&D minis) -- Large-sized male (race obscured) in flowing robes and mask w/ halberd, could be magically enlarged person or a giant, looks ceremonial
Infantry Captain (Mage Knight mini on clickbase w/ text) -- heavy-armored male elf w/ sword and purple banner on staff
Inspired Shock Trooper (no card) -- light-armored male (?) human, half-elf, or elf w/ shield and magic sword
Invisible Forest Gnome Ranger -- a totally transparent version of a Small-sized female archer, could be gnome or halfling
Jadreen (Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ text) -- light-armored female elf or half-elf w/ longbow
Jubilost, Gnome Alchemist x6 (Pathfinder) -- light-armored male gnome holding a potion bottle
Kierin Starsdawn x7 (Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ stats and writing) -- light- or medium-armored male elf w/ longbow and cape
Knight of the Chalice x18 (2 cards) -- heavy-armored male elf or eladrin w/ scimitar, shield, and cape, nice paladin, cleric, fighter, or cavalier
Lantern Bearer x12 (4 in bag, no cards) -- male heavily-armored human w/ lantern and sword, nice fighter or paladin
Lara Lor-Van x2 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ text) -- attractive female human in rich dress, nice NPC
Lastwall General (Pathfinder) -- heavy-armored warrior (race and gender obscured by armor) mounted on rearing horse w/ mace or scepter and cape, nice paladin or other martial type
Ledev Guardian x3 -- medium- or heavy-armored female human, elf, or half-elf w/ spear and cape mounted on Large-sized armored white wolf, maybe a druid w/ companion?
Legolas Greenleaf x2 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats, Battle of the 5 Armies version) -- light-armored male elf w/ sword, nice ranger or fighter
Lidda, Adventurer x21 (Giants of Legend or Basic Set, 8 in bag, 11 cards) -- female light-armored halfling w/ sword, nice rogue or fighter
Light Lancer (Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ stats and writing) -- heavy-armored male elf or half-elf w/ lance and shield mounted on armored horse
Lightfoot Halfling Rogue x3 -- light-armored male halfling in hooded cloak w/ sword or dagger
Linzi, Halfling Bard x3 (Pathfinder) -- female halfling w/ lute
Lion of Talisid x12 (8 cards) -- light- or medium-armored male elf or half-elf w/ spear
Loki x2 version 1(Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats, The Dark World version) -- unarmed aristocratic male human or half-elf, nice NPC or spellcaster
Loki version 2 (Heroclix mini on click base w/ text, Thor Ragnarok version) -- unarmed aristocratic male human or half-elf in cape, nice NPC or spellcaster
Longstrider Ranger x10 (in bag, 1 card) -- shifter of indeterminate gender (leans toward female) w/ light armor and sword, lunging forward
Longtooth Barbarian x13 (3 cards) -- leather-armored male shifter or half-orc w/ sword on back, nice barbarian, fighter, or ranger
Low Azlanti x4 (Pathfinder) -- light-armored female human, elf, or half-elf w/ trident
Male Shifter Ranger x8 (3 cards) -- light-armored male shifter (or human) w/ 2 swords, nice ranger or barbarian
Master Archer (Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ text) -- light- or medium-armored male elf w/ longbow and cape
Meloon Wardragon -- medium- or heavy-armored male human w/ axe, nice martial type
Mercenary Sergeant x7 (1 in bag, 3 cards) -- heavy-armored male (race obscured by armor) w/ sword and shield, excellent straight-up martial type
Mercykiller x4 (no cards) -- big male spiky-armored human w/ mancatcher
Mirt x6 -- dashingly dressed human male w/ sword and cape, nice swashbuckler, bard, or NPC
Noble version 1 x8 -- male human in fancy white aristocratic suit
Noble version 2 x6 -- male human in fancy green aristocratic suit

Oracle -- unarmored, unarmed male human w/ bare chest, could be NPC or spellcaster
Orzhov Advokist -- female human w/ walking stick and cape, spell effect in hand
Ozymandias and Bubastis x2 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- Large-sized peanut-shaped base, aristocratic male human in cape sitting on throne w/ large long-eared cat sprawled next to it
Phoelarch x8 (5 in bag, no cards)-- leather-armored male humanoid w/ fiery arms and hair, armed w/ scimitar; good for ifrit or other fire-themed race
Phreggs (Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ text) -- light-armored male goblin w/ shovel and dagger
Pitborn Fighter [Tiefling] x10 (Pathfinder) -- medium-armored male horned tiefling w/ 2 jagged swords 

Praetorite Vong Priest x4 (in bag, Star Wars mini, but great for fantasy) -- light- or medium-armored creepy-looking pale-skinned male humanoid, great for an evil spellcaster
Qawasha x2 -- dark-skinned bald human male w/ staff, nice druid, wizard, or other spellcaster
Raelin the Kyrie Warrior x3 (Heroscape mini on brown base w/ grassy look) -- medium- or heavy-armored winged female w/ lance or spear, looks like a winged valkyrie or angel
Rasputin x5 (Horroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats, no cards) -- male human in robes w/ sword, great cultist or evil priest
Ratfolk Artillery x7 (Pathfinder) -- Small-sized light- or medium-armored ratfolk w/ crossbow
Regdar, Adventurer x13 (1 in bag, 3 cards) -- male armored human or half-orc w/ 2-handed sword, nice fighter or paladin
Regdar, Human Fighter x3 -- male armored human or half-orc w/ 2-handed sword, nice fighter or paladin
Reghed Nomad with Spear x2 -- light- or medium-armored male (race obscured) w/ skull mask, hooded fur cloak and spear
Renaer Neverember x10 -- light-armored male human or half-elf w/ sword, nice bard, rogue, or other urban type
River Kingdoms Ruffian x5 (Pathfinder) -- hulking light-armored human male w/ club, tankard, and big backpack
Rock Gnome Female Wizard x3 -- female gnome or halfling w/ cape and staff
Selesnya Druid x6 -- medium-armored gender-neutral human w/ axe, nice druid, cleric, or fighter
Shadow Rogue x2 (Pathfinder) -- leather-armored male human w/ sword, nice rogue, swashbuckler, or bard
Shadowdancer x12 (8 cards) -- leather-armored female human in dark cloak w/ 2 swords or daggers, great sneaky type
Shieldwall Soldier x4 (no cards) -- heavy-armored male (race obscured) w/ spear, kneeling behind tower shield
Shifter Claw Adept x6 (3 cards) -- bare-chested unarmed male shifter (or maybe a feral human -- a werewolf beginning to change?)
Skaar x3 (Heroclix mini on click base w/ text) -- hulking bare-chested male half-orc w/ axe and sword, great for barbarian
Soul Warden x2 (Dreamblade mini on grey square base w/ some printing) -- beatiful dancing woman in flowing robes (race ambiguous)
Stag Lord x2 (Pathfinder) -- light-armored human male w/ longbow, cape, and stag-horned helmet, nice ranger or other woodsy archer
Standardbearer x13 (5 cards) -- armored human male w/ sword and banner, good for fighter, paladin, or cavalier

Stoutheart Halfling Female Bard (Invisible) -- transparent female halfling w/ dagger, meant to be invisible
Sun Elf Arcane Cleric x4 -- female elf or half-elf w/ sickle or other crescent-shaped weapon
Sun Elf Guard x5 -- medium-armored male elf or half-elf w/ spear and cape

Sun Elf Wizard x13 (Starter Set version) -- female elf or half-elf in robes w/ fireball forming in her hands, nice spellcaster
Sun Soul Initiate x8 (1 card) -- unarmored Asian human male w/ nunchuks, great monk or maybe ninja

Sword of Glory x4 (2 cards) -- heavy-armored male (race obscured by armor) w/ double-sword
Syvarris x12 (on Heroscape base, looks grassy) -- armored male elf, half-elf, human, aasimar, or eladrin w/ longbow, great for fighter or ranger

Tengu Rogue x3 (Pathfinder) -- hooded tengu w/ kukri or sword
(Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ text) -- light-armored barefoot male dwarf in feathered cap w/ 2 swords, looks like bard to me, bit of flair
Thorn -- Small-sized child in heavy hooded coat w/ doll, race and gender disguised
Tooth Gang Brute x5 (Pathfinder) -- pale male hooded human w/ club, nice barbarian or thug

Tortle Druid x3 -- Turtle-humanoid w/ spear and spell-effect in hand
Torturer x9 (1 in bag, 5 cards) -- male hooded unarmored human or half-orc w/ whip

Tower Girl x17 (Pathfinder) -- leather-armored female human or half-elf w/ dagger, nice rogue
Tsadok Goldtooth x8 (Pathfinder, never had a card) -- medium-armored male half-orc w/ pistol, sword, and nice jacket, great for gunslinger or swashbuckler

Valkyrie x3 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats, Hammer of Thor version) -- attractive female human w/ breastplate, sword, and cape
Veteran Leader x7 -- medium-armored human male w/ 2 swords and cape, nice dual-wielder
Viorian Dekanti x11 (Pathfinder) -- heavy-armored female human or half-elf w/ sword and shield, nice fighter, paladin, cavalier, or anti-paladin
Voice of Battle x24 (15 cards) -- light-armored female human or half-elf (maybe Asian?) w/ lute and sword
Vulcan (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- heavy-armored human male w/ cape standing before a blazing fire

Warmage x12 (1 card) -- male light- or medium-armored human spellcaster w/ buckler
Warpriest of Vandria x8 (1 in bag, 1 card) -- male armored elf w/ greatsword, good paladin, fighter, cleric, or cavalier
Water Cult Warrior x4 -- green-skinned male human or water genasi w/ sword and shield
Wild Elf Raider x13 (3 cards) -- light- or medium-armored male elf or half-elf w/ falchion (big curved sword)
Will x2 -- confident human boy w/ cape, great NPC
Witch of the Black Forest (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- female elf (?) in robes, nice spellcaster or NPC
Wood Elf Druid x5 (Starter Set version) -- light-armored male elf w/ staff, nice druid or other spellcaster
Wood Elf Ranger x18 (War Drums version, 2 in bag, no cards) -- light-armored male elf w/ 2 swords
Xeph Soulknife x8 (no cards) -- light- or medium-armored dark-skinned human male w/ 2 short magical blades
Xeph Warrior x10 (1 card) -- light-armored dark-skinned human male w/ spear

3 points each:

Aasimar Favored Soul x11 (10 in bag) -- medium-armored male aasimar, human, or half-elf w/ cape, shield, and mace
Absalom Watch Officer (female) (Pathfinder) -- female human in uniform w/ club and shield, nice city watch
Absalom Watch Officer (male) (Pathfinder) -- male human in uniform w/ club and shield, nice city watch
Anvil of Thunder x15 (5 in bag, 5 cards) -- medium-armored male dwarf w/ axe and hammer
Aramil, Adventurer x12 (2 in bag, 4 cards) -- leather- or unarmored male half-elf, elf, or human w/ scroll in hand, bow on back, and sword on hip, nice bard, sorcerer, or other spellcaster

Aristocrat (Pathfinder, DAMAGED) -- male human or half-elf in fancy outfit w/ staff or cane, would make a great NPC -- top of staff has broken off, so it really looks like a cane!  Still nice mini though, doesn't look broken if you don't know
Arronax Endymion x5 (Pathfinder) -- human male in naval outfit w/ sword, great for pirate or swashbuckler
Artus Cimber x6 -- leather-armored male human or half-elf w/ longbow, nice ranger, fighter, or other archer

Axe Sister x14 (no cards) -- medium-  or heavy-armored female human w/ greataxe
Bandit x2 (Storm King's Thunder version) -- light-armored muscular human male w/ sword, good for bandit or thug
Banshrae Warrior x2 (1 card) -- medium-armored pale-skinned humanoid w/ dagger
Baphomet Cultist (Pathfinder) -- medium-armored female (race obscured) w/ halberd and horned helmet
Blood of Vol Divinity Seeker x5 (3 cards) -- male human in red robes w/ spiked chain, nice cultist
Blood of Vol Fanatic x9 (3 cards) -- male human in hooded robes w/ bloody sword, nice cultist
Boy Cleric x2 (Wardling) -- medium-armored human boy (proportions for child) w/ mace and spell-effect in hand and fancy cape
Boy Druid x2 (Wardling) -- antlered and hooded human or elf child (proportions for child, gender-neutral) w/ fur cape and staff and spell effect in hand
Boy Fighter x3 (Wardling) -- tattooed light- or medium-armored human boy (proportions for child) w/ sword and shield, great young barbarian
Brass Samurai x4 (2 in bag, 2 cards) -- heavy-armored female (race obscured by armor) w/ sword and dagger, nice samurai or other martial-type
Brodert Quink x5 (Pathfinder) -- elderly human male w/ open book and glasses, nice spellcaster or NPC sage
Captain of the Watch x3 -- medium-armored dark-skinned human female with cape, drawing sword; could be martial-type, paladin, or cleric
Carrion Tribe Barbarian x5 (1 card) -- light-armored male human w/ stone hammer, nice barbarian
Champion of Yondalla x3 (no cards) -- medium- or heavy-armored female halfling w/ 2 swords, nice paladin, fighter, cleric, or cavalier
City Guard x3 (Giants of Legend version, no cards) -- medium-armored male human w/ spear
City Watch Sniper x5 (Pathfinder) -- light-armored human female w/ crossbow, sword at hip
Cleric of Garl Glittergold x12 (6 in bag, 7 cards) -- male armored gnome or halfling w/ axe and cape, nice cleric, cavalier, or paladin
Cleric of Kord x15 (1 in bag, 4 cards) -- leather-armored male half-orc w/ greatsword

Cleric of Moradin x3 (1 card) -- medium-armored male dwarf w/ warhammer and shield
Cleric of Sune x8 (no cards) -- attractive female human or half-elf in robes w/ staff, nice cleric or other spellcaster, or even a seductive NPC
Cleric of Syreth x4 (no cards) -- medium-armored human male w/ crossbow
Cloudreaver x7 (3 cards) -- pirate-y male human w/ sword and hook

Commoner (Warlock Tiles Marketplace set) -- ordinary human male, great NPC
Dalelands Militia (no card, custom painted with green cape) -- male leather-armored human or elf w/ longbow, good for ranger, fighter, or bandit
Dark Moon Monk x8 (1 card) -- female human w/ 2 sais, good for rogue, ninja, or assassin
Deep Gnome Scout x2 (Pathfinder) -- medium-armored male deep gnome w/ pick
Defiant Rake x9 (no cards) -- light-armored male gender-ambiguous human, elf, or half-elf w/ rapier, hand-crossbow, and cape, nice swashbuckler, bard, or rogue
Degenerate Cultist of Orcus x9 (4 cards) -- shirtless muscular tattooed human male w/ mace, great for barbarian or other beefy type
Delphana Master (Mage Knight mini on click-base with text) -- female human on floating platform w/ "energy arms" (spell effect), nice spellcaster
Desaad (Heroclix mini on click-base with text, Hypertime version) -- sinister human male in purple robes, really nice NPC
Deskari Cultist x2 (Pathfinder) -- medium-armored human male w/ scythe, nice martial type with a rare weapon for minis
Doctor Doom (Heroscape mini on brown round base w/ grassy sticker, no card) -- heavy-armored and metal-masked male w/ hooded cape, could be a BBEG
Doomsinger x4 (Dreamblade mini on square gray base w/ stats and writing) -- attractive female human, elf,or half-elf w/ staff, looks covered in verdigris, could be interesting spellcaster

Dragon Smiter (Pathfinder) -- heavy-armored male of indeterminate race (too much armor) w/ greatsword and lots of other weapons and a banner on his back, nice fighter or other martial type
Dragon Totem Hero x4 (1 normal card, no epic cards) -- medium-armored dark-skinned human male w/ sword and shield, nice martial type, maybe ranger or barbarian
Dragonborn Fighter (sword) -- medium-armored dragonborn w/ sword and shield
Dragonmark Heir of Deneith x5 -- leather-armored female human or half-elf w/ axe and shield, nice ranger, barbarian, or other martial type

Dromite Wilder x9 (7 cards) -- Small-sized light- or medium-armored humanoid w/ antennae on its head, armed w/ shield and sword
Drunken Master x5 (1 in bag, no cards) -- male human in robes w/ big jar, nice monk

Dwarf Barbarian x4 (Pathfinder) -- medium-armored male dwarf w/ axe and spiked shield
Dwarf Mercenary x20 (5 in bag, 4 cards) -- heavy-armored male dwarf w/ sword and shield
Dwarf Phalanx Soldier x11 (no cards) -- medium-armored male dwarf w/ pick and shield
Dwarf Sniper x3 (1 card) -- male medium-armored dwarf w/ crossbow
Dwarf Wizard x9 (Angelfire version, 2 in bag, no cards) -- male dwarf in robes w/ staff, nice spellcaster
Eberk, Adventurer x15 (2 cards) -- heavy-armored male dwarf w/ warhammer and shield
Elemental Priest (Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ text) -- male human, elf, or half-elf in robes w/ staff, nice spellcaster (maybe druid?)
Elf Arcane Archer x7 (1 card) -- light-armored male elf or half-elf w/ elaborate longbow and cape
Elf Archer x8 (Harbinger version, 1 card) -- light-armored androgynous elf or half-elf w/ longbow
Elf Archer x13 (Dungeons of Dread version, 2 in bag, 2 cards) -- light-armored male elf or half-elf w/ longbow
Elf Assassin x4 (Pathfinder) -- light- or medium-armored male elf w/ sword, dagger, and cape, nice rogue
Elf Druid x3 -- light- or medium-armored male elf or half-elf w/ skull-topped staff, nice druid or other spellcaster
Elf Ranger x10 (Harbinger version, no cards) -- leather-armored male elf w/ 2 axes and cape, nice ranger or fighter

Elf Spearguard x10 (8 cards) -- medium- or heavy-armored male (race obscured by armor) w/ longspear
Elf Stalker x18 (1 in bag, 14 cards) -- light-armored male elf drawing sword, longbow on back, nice ranger, rogue, or assassin
Elf Swashbuckler x6 (in bag, 2 cards) -- leather-armored male elf or half-elf w/ rapier or cape

Elf Warlock (no card) -- light-armored female elf, half-elf, or human w/ dagger, could be warlock, rogue, bard, etc., very flexible
Elven Acolyte
(Mage Knight mini on click-base with text) -- light- or medium-armored male elf or half-elf w/ staff
Elven Falconer
(Mage Knight mini on click-base with text) -- light-armored female elf, half-elf, or human w/ longbow and falcon perched on arm
Ember, Human Monk x7 (no cards) -- unarmored dark-skinned female human w/ quarterstaff

Emerald Claw Soldier x2 (no cards) -- medium- or heavy-armored male, could be any medium-sized humanoid race, armed w/ flail and shield
Exarch of Tyranny x7 (1 in bag, 3 cards, 1 card damaged) -- male armored human w/ axe and mace, nice fighter, cleric, anti-paladin, or maybe inquisitor
Executioner (Warlock Tiles Marketplace set) -- hooded, bare-chested human male w/ axe
Exorcist of the Silver Flame x2 (1 in bag, 1 card) -- heavy-armored male (race obscured) w/ greatsword, longbow on back, nice paladin, fighter, or other martial type
Ezio (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats, Revelations version) -- hooded human male w/ 2 daggers, really nice rogue or assassin

Farmer x16 (Desert of Desolation version, 6 cards) -- human male w/ spear holding a pig (!!!)
Feybound Halfling x3 (1 card) -- light-armored male halfling w/ mace
Free League Ranger (no card) -- leather-armored male human w/ longbow, nice ranger or other archer
Freehold Sorceress
(Mage Knight mini on click-base with text) --female human, elf, or half-elf w/ 2 swords and cape
Galeshi Cavalryman 
(Mage Knight mini on peanut-shaped clickbase w/ text) -- light-armored male human w/ pistol riding a robot-horse
Galeshi Ram Charger 
(Mage Knight mini on peanut-shaped clickbase w/ text) -- light-armored male human w/ pistol riding a robot-ram
Gate Hellknight x2 (Pathfinder) -- heavy-armored masked male humanoid (race obscured by armor and mask) w/ flaming dagger and hooded cape

Girl Wizard x2 (Wardling) -- dark-skinned human girl (proportions for child) w/ purple spell-effect arcing from hand to hand
Gnome Eldritch Knight x4 (Pathfinder) -- medium- or heavy-armored male gnome w/ picK

Gnome Fighter x2 (Pathfinder) -- light-armored male gnome w/ sword or dagger
Gnome Recruit x4 (1 card) -- medium-armored male gnome w/ sword and shield
Gnome Warrior (Pathfinder) -- female gnome w/ spear and shield
Gold Dwarf Soldier x6 (2 in bag, 2 cards) -- medium-armored male dwarf w/ hammer and shield
Golden Wyvern Initiate x3 -- female human in robes w/ staff, nice spellcaster
Gray Maiden Captain x4 (Pathfinder) -- medium- or heavy armored female human w/ sword and cape, scar across face, nice fighter, cavalier, paladin, or cleric
Grim Necromancer x13 -- human male in dark robes w/ wand, great for evil wizard
Half-Elf Cleric x2 (Pathfinder) -- medium- or heavy-armored female half-elf or human w/ sword and holy symbol
Half-Elf Sorcerer x2 (1 in bag, no cards)-- male elf or half-elf in robes w/ spear, nice spellcaster, or it could even make a good monk
Halfling Brawler x5 (no cards) -- light-armored male halfling w/ 2 axes

Halfling Enchanter x3 (1 in bag, no cards) -- male halfling in robes, nice spellcaster or NPC

Halfling Rogue x5 (Desert of Desolation version, 1 card) -- light-armored male halfling w/ sword
Halfling Rogue x5 (Pathfinder) -- leather-armored male halfling w/ dagger, crossbow at hip
Halfling Tombseeker x8 (4 in bag, 1 card) -- leather-armored and hooded male halfling w/ spear
Halfling Wizard x4 (1 card) -- male halfling in robes w/ spellbook and dagger
Half-Ogre Barbarian x4 (1 in bag, 2 cards) -- Large-sized medium-armored half-ogre w/ greatsword
Half-Orc Fighter x6 (1 in bag, 3 cards) -- medium-armored male half-orc w/ 2 swords and cape
Haughty Avenger x8 (Pathfinder) -- leather-armored female half-elf or human w/ rapier, nice for swashbuckler, bard, or rogue
Heavy Cavalier (Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ stats and writing) -- medium- or heavy-armored female human, elf, or half-elf w/ sword and shield mounted on armored horse
Helena Nostrum x4 -- female human w/ goggles and an electrified hook-glove
High Elven Archer (Mage Knight mini on click-base with text) -- light- or medium-armored male elf w/ longbow
High Elven Warrior
(Mage Knight mini on click-base with text) -- medium-armored elf w/ 2-handed sword
Human Bandit x7 (Demonweb version, 3 cards) -- hooded male human carrying a full sack over his shoulder
Human Bard (chain-sickle) x5 -- light-armored female human or half-elf w/ chain-sickle or spiked chain and cape
Human Commoner x3 (no cards) -- plainly clothed human male w/ scythe
Human Dragonslayer x11 (1 in bag, no cards) -- heavy-armored male (race obscured by armor) w/ really big greatsword
Human Executioner x7 (no cards) -- hooded male human w/ greataxe
Human Sellsword x5 (Dungeons of Dread version, no cards) -- medium-armored male human w/ greatsword, looks a bit roguish
Human Zhentarim Bandit -- heavy-armored male human (though race is obscured by armor) w/ sword and cape, could be a range of martial types
Ialdabode x10 (1 in bag, 6 cards) -- bald, shirtless human male w/ glowing staff and crystal, nice spellcaster or psion
Imperial Inquisitor x3 (Star Wars mini, but great for fantasy and looks just like official D&D minis) -- human male in robes, makes a great NPC priest, official, or townsperson
Jaethal, Elf Inquisitor (Pathfinder) -- light-armored female elf w/ scythe
Jakaw Razorbeak (Pathfinder) -- leather-armored tengu (crow-man) w/ 2 swords, nice rogue or swashbuckler

Kaven Windstrike x2 (Pathfinder) -- light-armored human male w/ sword and dagger, nice swashbuckler, rogue, or other dashing character
Kerdak Bonefist x3 (Pathfinder) -- Pirate captain w/ pistol and a mug of ale
Kerwyn, Human Rogue x4 (1 card) -- leather-armored male human w/ sword and dagger
Khalib (Pathfinder) -- male human, elf, or half-elf in robes w/ staff and book, nice wizard
King Irovetti x3 (Pathfinder) -- medium- or heavy-armored male human w/ crown, cape, and spear or polearm, nice aristocratic-looking martial type
Kleef Kenric -- 
heavy-armored male human w/ sword, nice fighter, cavalier, cleric, or paladin
Kleef Kenric (Invisible) -- transparent mini of heavy-armored male human w/ sword, could be an invisible character

Knight of Ozem x4 (Pathfinder) -- heavy-armored female (race obscured) w/ sword, shield, and plumed helmet, nice paladin, cavalier, cleric, fighter, etc.
Knight of the Aeon Star x2 (Pathfinder) -- heavy-armored female human w/ magic sword, helm in hand, nice fighter, cleric, paladin, or other martial type
Koriah Azmeren (Pathfinder) -- light- or medium-armored female elf or half-elf w/ sword and aklys (hook-on-a-stick)
Kyra, Human Cleric (Pathfinder, Iconic Heroes Evolved set) -- medium-armored female human w/ sword, cape, and holy symbol
Lai Antolio -- heavy-armored male human w/ spear and grappling hooks, looks like he's equipped with oversized items cadged from giants
Lamashtu Thug, version 1 x10 (Pathfinder) -- hooded and masked human male w/ crossbow, nice rogue or assassin
Lamashtu Thug, version 2 x4 (Pathfinder) -- hooded and masked human male w/ 2 daggers, nice rogue or assassin
Lastwall Soldier x3 (Pathfinder) -- hooded male (race obscured) w/ sword and shield, good for lots of martial types
Lidda, Halfling Rogue x2 (no cards) -- light-armored female halfling w/ crossbow
Lightfoot Halfling Rogue (Epic Starter Set version) -- leather-armored male halfling in hooded cape w/ dagger
Lightfoot Halfling Rogue, invisible version (Epic Starter Set version) -- totally translucent leather-armored male halfling in hooded cape w/ dagger
Longstrider Ranger x3 (promo repaint version) -- leather-armored female shifter or catfolk w/ sword, charging forward
Longtooth Barbarian (promo repaint version) -- leather-armored male shifter or half-orc w/ sword on back, nice barbarian, fighter, or ranger
Lunar Handmaiden x4 (Dreamblade mini on blue square base w/ some printing) -- light-armored shapely female aasimar, elf, half-elf, or human w/ crystalline scimitar
Lyrie Akenja (Pathfinder) -- female human in hooded cape w/ wand and scrolls, cat at feet, nice wizard or other spellcaster
Male Halfling Barbarian x8 (1 card) -- unarmored male halfling w/ curved sword (could be kukri or scimitar), nice barbarian or monk
Man-at-Arms x7 (Harbinger version, no cards) -- medium-armored male (race obscured by armor) w/ sword and shield, nice basic martial type
Man-at-Arms x8 (Aberrations version, 1 in bag, 5 cards) -- medium-armored male (race obscured by armor) w/ (bastard?) sword and shield, nice active pose
Merchant version 1 x8 -- dark-skinned male human w/ scroll and gem
Merchant version 2 x7 -- male human w/ bag and coin
Merchant Guard x18 (2 in bag, 16 cards) -- medium- or heavy-armored male, race obscured by armor), w/ sword and shield, nice fighter or cleric
Merisiel, Elf Rogue (Pathfinder, Iconic Heroes Evolved version) -- light-armored female elf rogue w/ sword and dagger, several more daggers on her back
Mialee, Elf Wizard x5 (in bag, no cards) -- female elf or half-elf in robes w/ spear
Mika Connour x2 (Heroscape mini on round brown base w/ grassy sticker) -- leather-armored dark-skinned female human w/ 2 daggers or short swords and cape
Militia Archer x2 (no cards) -- light-armored female human, half-elf, or maybe half-orc w/ longbow
Minotaur Fighter (Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica version) -- Medium-sized medium-armored minotaur w/ morningstar and cape
Morlun (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats, Web of Spiderman version) -- aristocratic male human or half-elf surrounded by flames, nice sinister NPC or spellcaster
Ninja of the North Wind version 1 x3 (on Heroscape base, looks grassy) -- black-clad and hooded male human w/ sword on back, awesome ninja, rogue, or assassin
Ninja of the North Wind version 2 x2 (on Heroscape base, looks grassy) -- black-clad and hooded female (race obscured) w/ sword, awesome ninja, rogue, or assassin
Ninja of the North Wind version 3 (on Heroscape base, looks grassy) -- black-clad and hooded male human w/ sword, awesome ninja, rogue, or assassin
Omen x2 (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ text) -- attractive female human, half-elf, or elf, nice spellcaster
Orik Vancaskerkin x8 (Pathfinder) -- light- or medium-armored male human w/ longsword and distinctive shield (big face on front), longbow slung on back, nice fighter, cleric,
  or ranger
Phalanx Soldier x20 (7 in bag, 9 cards) -- male armored human or half-orc w/ polearm
Pitax Warden x7 (Pathfinder) -- medium- or heavy-armored humanoid (race and gender hidden) in voluminous robes w/ greatsword, pretty stylish
Quaggoth Slave x2 -- hulking male catfolk or tabaxi w/ axe, great for a barbarian
Ragnara, Psychic Warrior x4 (1 in bag, no cards) -- medium-armored female human or aasimar w/ magic sword and shield, nice magus or spellsword
Ratfolk Alchemist x6 (Pathfinder) -- Small-sized ratfolk w/ dagger and fuming bottle
Red Samurai x2 -- medium-armored male (race obscured by armor) w/ flaming sword
Regdar, Human Fighter x18 (8 cards) -- medium- or heavy-armored male (race obscured) w/ greatsword, stepping up onto rock, nice fighter or other martial type
Retiarius x5 (on Heroscape base, looks grassy) -- unarmored human male w/ trident and net, really great for gladiator (on Heroscape base, looks grassy)
Reya Mantlemorn x4 -- light-armored female human w/ greatsword, nice martial type
Royal Guard x3 (1 card) -- heavy-armored male (race obscured) w/ spear
Sage x4 (no cards) -- elderly bearded male human in robes w/ staff, nice spellcaster or NPC
Sandara Quinn (Pathfinder) -- female human in prate-y outfit, spell effect in one hand and pipe in other, sword at hip, nice bard or other spellcaster
Scamp x7 (Dungeon Crawler mini) -- Small-sized human child (gender ambiguous)
Shardra, Dwarf Shaman (Pathfinder) -- light- or medium-armored female (trans in the canon!) dwarf w/ morningstar, fuming censer, and cape
Sharn Cutthroat x11 (3 cards) -- leather-armored female human, elf, or half-elf w/ sword, thrown dagger, and cape, nice rogue, bard, or swashbuckler
Sharn Redcloak x6 (5 cards)-- leather-armored male human w/ longbow and cape, nice ranger or other archer
Shiori x5 (on Heroscape base, grassy instead of black) -- unarmored, pale, masked human female w/ 2 daggers, nice ninja, rogue, or assassin
Siona, Captain of the Pyleas x6 -- medium-armored female human w/ sword and fancy cape, nice martial type
Skinsaw Cultist x2 (Pathfinder) -- weirdly masked male (race obscured) w/ sword
Skullclan Hunter x7 (2 cards) -- light- or medium-armored male halfling w/ scimitar
Solara Thann -- heavy-armored female human w/ hooked greatsword and cape, nice fighter, cavalier, paladin, or other martial type
Soldier of Bytopia x5 -- light-armored male gnome (or halfling) w/ pick and buckler
Soldier of Cormyr x9 (1 in bag, 6 cards) -- male armored human w/ sword, shield, and plumed helm (could make a good paladin or cavalier)
Soulknife Infiltrator x8 (2 cards) -- medium-armored male xeph, human, or half-elf w/ 2 magical blades
Spirit Taker
(Mage Knight mini on click-base with text) -- hooded and cloaked humanoid, maybe female? maybe drow? with bloody dagger, nice rogue or assassin
Steelheart Archer x18 (1 in bag, no cards) -- medium-armored female human or elf w/ longbow, nice fighter or ranger
Stonechild x4 (no cards) -- hulking medium-armored male goliath, earth genasi, or oread w/ greatsword
Storm Archer x11 (10 normal version, 1 promo version, 5 in bag, no cards)
  -- male armored human, elf, or half-elf w/ glowing longbow
Sun Elf Wizard x7 (Epic Starter Set version) -- female elf or half-elf w/ staff, spell effect bursting from hand, nice spellcaster
Tavern Brawler x5 (no cards) -- leather-armored beer-bellied human male w/ mug of beer, sword on hip
Tengu Rogue x3 (Pathfinder) -- hooded and light-armored tengu or kenku crow-man w/ sword
Thayan Apprentice x2 -- bald male human in robes, nice spellcaster or cultist
Thug x3 -- light- or medium-armored beefy human male w/ mace and cape
Tiefling Captain x7 (1 card) -- female light-armored tiefling w/ greataxe and mohawk
Tordek, Dwarf Fighter x10 (1 in bag, no cards) -- medium-armored male dwarf w/ axe, shield, and cape
Townswoman (Warlock Tiles Marketplace set) -- ordinary dark-skinned human woman in dress, nice NPC
Tristian, Human Cleric x2 (Pathfinder) -- male human, elf, or half-elf in hooded robes w/ holy symbol, nice cleric
Tsuto Kaijitsu x7 (Pathfinder) -- light- or unarmored male half-elf or elf w/ longbow
Ulmo Lightbringer x9 (2 in bag, 4 cards) -- male halfling w/ kama, nice monk
Vale Temros (Pathfinder) -- medium-armored dark-skinned human male w/ 2 axes and cape, nice ranger or martial type
Valindra Shadowmantle x9 -- female human, elf, or half-elf in hooded cloak w/ staff, nice spellcaster
Vraxeris (Pathfinder) -- male human or half-elf in robes w/ dagger, nice spellcaster, bard, or rogue
Wand Expert x15 (no cards) -- male elf or half-elf w/ 2 wands and cape, nice spellcaster

War Chanter x4 (no cards) -- light- or medium-armored male elf, half-elf, or human w/ 2 swords, lute on back
War Weaver x6 (1 in bag, 2 cards) -- leather-armored female human w/ wand, buckler, and cape, nice bard, cleric, or martial/arcane mix
Warforged Battle Champion x8 (4 in bag, 1 card) -- warforged (or could serve for any humanoid in full armor) w/ glaive or spear, dynamic pose
Warforged (mace) -- warforged w/ mace, shield, and cape
Warpriest of Hextor x3 (1 card) -- heavy-armored male human, elf, or half-elf w/ flail and shield, nice cleric, paladin, anti-paladin, or other martial type
Warpriest of Moradin x9 (1 in bag, 2 cards) -- medium-armored male dwarf w/ big hammer
Warpriest of Moradin, promo repaint version x2 (1 card) -- medium-armored male dwarf w/ warhammer
Warpriest of Vandria x3 (no cards) -- heavy-armored male elf or half-elf w/ greatsword
Warrior of Ashra version 1 x3 (on Heroscape base, looks grassy) -- light-armored female human w/ greatsword, nice barbarian, ranger, or other martial-type without a lot of armor
Warrior of Ashra version 2 x3 (on Heroscape base, looks grassy) -- light- or unarmored female human w/ halberd, greatsword on back, nice barbarian, ranger, or other martial-type without a lot of armor
Warrior of Ashra version 3x2
(on Heroscape base, looks grassy) -- light- or unarmored female human w/ sword, feathered cape, and impressive headdress, nice barbarian, ranger, or druid
Warrior of Wrath x8 (Pathfinder) -- light- or medium-armored female human w/ greatsword and tattoos on face, nice fighter, ranger, or barbarian
Watch Officer x9 (Pathfinder) -- medium-armored human male w/ sword, shield, and cape
Whirling Steel Monk x7 (1 in bag, no cards) -- female unarmored human (could pass for male) w/ sword making a leaping kick, really nice monk
White Queen x4 
(Heroclix mini on click base w/ text, Brotherhood of Mutants version) -- attractive female human in skimpy white outfit w/ cape mounting stone stairs, nice spellcaster
Wild Elf Barbarian x3 (no cards) -- light-armored male elf or half-elf w/ longbow, nice ranger or barbarian
Wild Mage x12 (7 cards) -- female human, elf, or half-elf in colorful dress w/ staff, dagger at hip, nice wizard, sorcerer, or other spellcaster
Winter Guard Falconer x4 (Pathfinder) -- light- or medium-armored male (race obscured) w/ sword, falcon perched on hand, nice ranger or fighter
Wizard Tactician x8 (1 in bag, no cards) -- dark-skinned gender-ambiguous human (leans female, I think) w/ staff, nice spellcaster
Wood Elf Skirmisher x3 (no cards) -- light- or unarmored female elf or half-elf w/ longbow
Ziraj the Hunter x3 -- light-armored male half-orc w/ longbow

4 points each:

Aasimar Fighter x3 (no cards) -- medium-armored male (race obscured by armor) pointing ahead, sword at hip
Ambrose Kroop x2 (Pathfinder) -- slovenly human male w/ bottle in hand and chicken on shoulder (!!!), truly awesome NPC cook
Ardathanatus x3 (Pathfinder) -- heavy-armored male w/ halberd and cape, could be any race, nice anti-paladin or evil-looking martial type

Aristocrat (Pathfinder) -- male human or half-elf in fancy outfit w/ cane or staff, would make a great NPC
Assassin x10 (1 in bag, 5 cards) -- sinister-looking leather-armored male human w/ sword or dagger, great for assassin or evil-looking rogue
Axe Soldier x5 (no cards) -- medium- or heavy-armored male (race obscured by armor) w/ big axe, nice basic martial type
Balazar, Gnome Summoner x3 (Dungeons Deep version, Pathfinder) -- male gnome in elaborate robes, nice spellcaster
Balazar, Gnome Summoner x3 (Iconic Heroes version, Pathfinder) -- male gnome in elaborate robes, nice spellcaster
Baphomet Cultist x2 (Pathfinder) -- light- or medium-armored female human w/ spear or polearm, funky one-horned helmet
Barbarian Mercenary x11 (no cards)-- leather- or hide-armored human male w/ greatsword
Beggar x2
(Dungeon Crawler mini) -- hunched-over elderly human woman w/ walking stick
Bladesinger x2 (no cards) -- medium-armored
female elf or human,  fighter or bard w/ sword
Book of Nothing (Dreamblade mini on grey square base w/ some printing) -- crazed-looking old male human holding forth a big book w/ empty pages; could be NPC or mage who has lost his mind
Caravan Guard x5 (no cards) -- light-armored human male w/ spear and shield, very versatile NPC, can be guard, thug, bandit...
Catfolk x3 -- leather-armored male catfolk or tabaxi w/ longbow
Catfolk Pouncer x2 (Pathfinder) -- light-armored male catfolk or tabaxi w/ axe, nice barbarian or ranger
City Guard (Dragon Heist version, sword) -- medium-armored male human (race obscured) w/ sword, good for man-at-arms
Clawfoot Rider x2 (1 in bag) -- medium-armored male halfling w/ axe, buckler, and cape riding a Medium-sized dinosaur (!!!), could make for an awesome druid, ranger, barbarian, or fighter

Cleric of Order x2 -- light- or medium-armored male human in robes w/ staff, nice cleric or other spellcaster
Cleric of St. Cuthbert x10 (no cards) -- heavy-armored human male w/ mace and shield, nice cleric, oracle, paladin, cavalier, or fighter

Cleric of Syreth x9 (promo repaint version, 7 in bag, 6 cards) -- medium-armored human male w/ crossbow
Cleric of Yondalla x3 (1 card) -- heavy-armored male halfling w/ sword and shield

Commander Pharamol x2 (Pathfinder) -- medium-armored female catfolk or triaxian w/ longbow and sword
Cormyrean War Wizard x6 (no cards) -- male human spellcaster in robes w/ staff
Crixus (Heroscape mini on round brown base w/ grassy sticker) -- bare-chested muscular human male w/ sword and shield w/ masked helmet, gladiator
Crowe, Human Bloodrager (Pathfinder) -- light-armored bald human male w/ earthbreaker (big hammer), nice barbarian
Cult of the Dragon Enforcer -- light- or medium-armored black-clad male human w/ dagger, nice assassin, rogue, or warlock
Dancing Girl x7 (Pathfinder) -- attractive woman in gypsy dress, dancing pose, could be gypsy or dancer NPC, could also serve as a spellcaster or even an unusual monk
Deepshadow Elf x3 (no cards) -- male in hooded cloak (race obscured) w/ sword, looks like a ranger or rogue
Devis, Half-Elf Bard (no card) -- light-armored elf or half-elf male w/ sword, lute, and cape
Dhampir Wizard x3 (Pathfinder) -- male dhampir (half-vampire) in robes w/ staff
Dragon Legion Dragonrider (Pathfinder) -- medium-armored grey-skinned humanoid w/ axe, spear, and cape
Dragonborn Draconic Sorcerer (version 1) x5 -- dragonborn in robes w/ staff and wand
Dwarf Battlerager (promo repaint version) -- male armored dwarf w/ 2 morningstars
Dwarf Cleric (no card) -- medium- or heavy-armored male dwarf w/ wand and cape

Dwarf Explorer (Pathfinder) -- light-armored hooded male dwarf w/ sword and grappling hook, nice rogue
Dwarf Fighter x8 (Pathfinder) -- heavily armored male dwarf w/ battleaxe and cape, nice fighter, cavalier, or paladin
Dwarf Sergeant x8 (1 card) -- heavy-armored female dwarf w/ axe and shield

Dwarf Sniper (promo repaint version, no card) --
male medium-armored dwarf w/ crossbow
Dwarf Warsword x6 (2 cards) -- light- or medium-armored male dwarf w/ sword and cape

Dwarven Defender x7 (Heart of Cormyr version, 4 cards) -- heavy-armored male dwarf w/ axe and shield
Dwarven Ram x3 (Mage Knight mini on peanut-shaped clickbase w/ text) -- medium-armored male dwarf w/ rifle riding on Large-sized robot-ram
Eando Kline x6 (Pathfinder) -- light-armored male human w/ sword, nice bard, rogue, or ranger
Echo Wood Outlaw x2 (Pathfinder) -- light-armored human male with longbow and cape, great for ranger or other archery type
Eladrin Pyromancer (no card) -- male elf, eladrin, or aasimar in cloak w/ flame-effect in hands, nice spellcaster
Elf Archer x2 (Heart of Cormyr version) -- light-armored male elf w/ longbow and cape
Elf Archer x8 (Pathfinder, Lost Coast version) -- light-armored shapely female elf or half-elf w/ longbow, sword at hip, nice mini
Elf Dragonkith (in bag, no card) -- heavy-armored male elf, half-elf, human, or aasimar w/ sword and large shield, nice paladin, cavalier, fighter, or cleric

Emirroon (Heroscape mini on brown round base w/ grassy sticker, no card) -- male elf in robes w/ staff and sword, nice spellcaster
Everfrost Ranger x2 (1 card) -- light- or medium-armored male human w/ sword and axe, nice ranger or other woodsy martial type

Evermeet Wizard x6 (5 in bag, no cards) -- attractive female elf, half-elf, or human w/ wand, nice spellcaster
Evoker's Apprentice x3 (1 card) -- human male or half-elf in robes w/ staff, nice spellcaster

Fire Cult Warrior -- heavy-armored male (race obscured by armor) w/ flaming spear, nice fighter, dark-looking cleric, or anti-paladin
Fire Genasi Dervish x3 (1 in bag, 2 cards) -- medium-armored fire genasi or ifrit male w/ 2 swords
Fist of Moradin x3 (2 cards) -- medium- or heavy-armored male dwarf w/ mace and shield
Gandalf the Grey
(Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- male human in robes w/ longsword and staff, nice wizard
Gilbrok the Tongue x8 (Pathfinder) -- elderly human male w/ monkey on shoulder, staff, and spell effect in hand, nice wizard, druid, or other spellcaster
Githyanki Fighter x3 -- male medium-armored githyanki w/ scimitar, could also serve as a spellscale or a skinny half-orc
Githzerai Cenobite (no card) -- male githzerai in robes, could work for half-orc, nice monk
Gold Dwarf Fighter x9 (6 cards) -- male armored dwarf w/ greataxe
Gray Maiden x5 (Pathfinder) -- heavy-armored female (race obscured by armor) with sword, shield, and cape, nice for wide variety of tank-y martial
Graycloak Ranger -- male human, elf, or half-elf with longbow and hooded cloak, nice ranger or rogue

Greenfang Druid (no card) -- light- or medium-armored human, elf, or half-elf w/ sword, shield, and cape, nice druid, ranger, or fighter
Greenspawn Zealot x13 (2 cards) -- heavy-armored green-scaled dragonborn or half-dragon w/ mace and shield
Greta x2 (Pathfinder) -- medium-armored female human w/ greataxe and cape, nice barbarian or fighter
Half-Elf Assassin -- light-armored masked male (race obscured) in hooded cape w/ 2 daggers
Half-Elf Bow Initiate x2 (no cards) -- light-armored male half-elf or human w/ longbow, nice pose
Half-Elf Enchanter x5 (Pathfinder) -- pink-haired female half-elf or human in fancy suit w/ wand, nice spellcaster
Half-Elf Hexblade x12 (no cards) -- light-armored male half-elf or elf w/ tattooed face and sword
Halfling Sneak (Heart of Cormyr version) -- light-armored halfling in hooded cloak w/ dagger
Halfling Veteran x7 (5 cards) -- medium-armored male halfling w/ 2 daggers
Half-Orc Barbarian x5 (Archfiends version, 4 in bag, no cards) -- light-armored male half-orc w/ greatsword and fur cape
Half-Orc Monk x5 (no cards) -- robed unarmored and unarmed half-orc martial artist
Half-Orc Paladin x4 (Underdark version, in bag) -- heavy-armored male half-orc w/ sword and shield, nice paladin, cavalier, cleric, or fighter

Half-Orc Paladin x4 (Rage of Demons version) -- heavy-armored male half-orc w/ greatsword and cape, nice paladin, cleric, cavalier, or fighter
Half-Orc Spy (no card) -- half-orc in hooded robes w/ scroll and dagger
High Inquisitor x6 (no cards) -- leather-armored human male w/ sword and torch, looks to me like a vampire hunter
Human Marauder x12 (2 in bag, 5 cards, 1 card w/ writing on it) -- leather-armored male in hooded cape w/ 2 swords, nice ranger, rogue, or fighter
Human Ranger (Epic Starter Set version) -- leather-armored dark-skinned human female w/ longbow and cape
Human Ranger (Pathfinder, DAMAGED) -- leather-armored male human or half-elf w/ longbow and cape, arrow tip is missing (not a big deal)
Human Red Wizard -- male bald, bearded human in robes, spell effects on hands, nice wizard or other spellcaster
Human Rogue x4 (Demonweb version, no cards) -- hooded male human carrying heavy sack over shoulder
Human Rogue x6 (Pathfinder) -- sneaky male in hooded cloak w/ shortsword, nice rogue or assassin
Human Town Guard x8 (no cards) -- leather-armored human male w/ halberd
Inspired Shock Trooper x2 (1 in bag, 1 card) -- light-armored female human w/ glowing sword and shield, nice magus or other spellsword type
Jolistina Susperio x2 (Pathfinder) -- light-armored female human, half-elf, or elf w/ hand-crossbow and dagger, could be rogue, bard, or swashbuckler
Jorhdawn x5 (Heroscape mini on round brown base w/ grassy sticker, 4 cards) -- female elf, half-elf, or human w/ staff and flames in hand, nice spellcaster 
Kalashtar Bodyguard x10 (2 in bag) -- light- or medium-armored female human or half-elf w/ greatsword, nice martial type
Karsite Fighter x10 (6 cards) -- medium- or heavy-armored male human w/ sword, shield, and cape, nice fighter, cleric, paladin, antipaladin, or other martial type
Kenku Sneak x3 -- leather-armored kenku, crowman, or tengu w/ sword and buckler
Keresta Delvingstone -- pale human female dangling an amulet or holy symbol
Kitsune (Dreamblade mini on blue square base w/ some printing) -- light-armored kitsune (fox-faced and tailed female) w/ fan, the only pre-painted kitsune mini I know of
Krusk, Half-Orc Barbarian x6 (2 cards) -- light- or medium-armored male half-orc w/ big axe, nice barbarian, ranger, or fighter
Lamashtu Cultist (Pathfinder) -- creepy human male in black hooded robes w/ fuming potion
Lastwall Knight (Pathfinder) -- medium-armored human female w/ sword, shield, and cape, nice paladin, cleric, cavalier, or other martial type
Legolas Greenleaf
(Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats, Desolation of Smaug version) -- light-armored male elf w/ longbow
Lord Maakha (Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ stats and writing) -- stocky male human or dwarf in heavy robes w/ ornate staff, nice cleric, spellcaster, or important-looking NPC
Male Halfling Barbarian x4 -- bare-chested male halfling w/ sword
Male Shifter Ranger x4 -- light- or unarmored male shifter (could also pass for human) w/ 2 swords
Marcus Decimus Gallus (Heroscape mini on round brown base w/ grassy sticker) -- medium- or heavy armored male human in Roman army equipment w/ sword, shield, and fur cape

Meligaster, Halfling Mesmerist x5 (Pathfinder) -- male halfling w/ wand and bauble in ornate robes, nice spellcaster or cleric
Mighty Blademaster x7 (3 cards) -- light- or medium-armored female human or half-elf w/ greatsword, nice barbarian, fighter, ranger, or really any sort of martial type

Moon Elf Fighter -- armored w/ sword and shield, leans toward female but could be either, elf or human, nice mini!
Natalya Vancaskerkin x2 (Pathfinder) -- light-armored female human or half-elf w/ sword, looks dashing, nice swashbuckler or bard
Northlands Fighter x6 (Starter Set version) -- light- or medium-armored muscular human male w/ big axe, nice barbarian or ranger

Paladin of Abadar x3 (Pathfinder) -- heavy-armored male human, elf, half-elf, or aasimar w/ spear, sword, and cape
Pale Tower Guard x9 (Pathfinder) -- heavy-armored male (race obscured by armor) w/ sword and shield, crossbow on back
Pathfinder Society Leader x6 (Pathfinder) -- heavy-armored male, race obscured by armor, w/ spear and cape
Pious Guard x7 (Pathfinder) -- heavy-armored male human (though race a bit obscured) in hooded cloak w/ sword, nice paladin, cleric, or other martial type
Radosek Pavril x4 (Pathfinder) -- human male in robes w/ ice blade, nice spellcaster
Razmir Cultist (Pathfinder) -- masked and hooded male (race obscured) in black robes w/ morningstar
Razmir Priest (Pathfinder) -- masked and hooded humanoid (race and gender obscured) w/ hands in prayer

Red Samurai x8 (4 cards) -- male armored human w/ flaming sword, oriental style
Rudolph van Richten -- elderly human male w/ book and sword
Scarlet Brotherhood Monk x2 (no cards) -- human male (not Asian) in robes in a martial arts pose

Scourge Hellknight (Pathfinder) -- heavy-armored male (race obscured by armor) w/ cape and flail, great evil warrrior
Seductress x5 (Dungeon Crawler mini) -- shapely human female in revealing dress, nice NPC

Sharwin Wildborn (Heroscape mini on round brown base w/ grassy sticker) -- attractive female elf or half-elf in robes w/ dagger, nice spellcaster or rogue
Shoanti Gladiator x8 (Pathfinder) -- light-armored bald human male w/ earthbreaker (massive hammer) -- nice barbarian or fighter
Sith Lord x9 (Star Wars mini, though perfect for fantasy) -- light- or unarmored male human or half-elf w/ eyepatch, nice for bard, wizard, sorcerer, authoritative-looking NPC -- a versatile, stylish mini
Skullcleave Warrior x3 (1 in bag, 1 card) -- medium-armored male human w/ axe and shield, nice barbarian or other martial type
Slayer of Domiel x4 (no cards) -- leather-armored female human or half-elf w/ sword, dagger, and cape, nice swashbuckler, bard, ranger, or other dashing martial-type

Sly Moore x5 (Star Wars mini, but great for fantasy) -- bald, white-skinned male (human maybe?  maybe not?) in long white cloak, looks like a mysterious figure, spellcaster, or NPC
Snaketongue Cultist x9 (no cards) -- mysterious figure in hooded robes w/ staff, could be cultist, spellcaster, NPC...
Soaring Crossbowman 
(Mage Knight mini on peanut-shaped clickbase w/ text) -- heavy-armored male human w/ crossbow riding on a winged robot-dragonfly!!!
Soaring Gunner x3 (Mage Knight mini on peanut-shaped clickbase w/ text) -- heavy-armored male (race obscured by armor) w/ wand or staff riding on a winged robot-dragonfly!!!
Soldier of Thrane x2 (1 card) -- heavy-armored male (race obscured by armor) w/ sword and tower shield
Spartacus x4 (Heroscape mini on round brown base w/ grassy sticker) -- light-armored human male w/ sword and shield, meant to be a gladiator
Stonechild (no card) -- medium-armored male goliath w/ greatsword
Tauriel (Heroclix mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- light-armored female elf or half-elf w/ 2 swords
Technic League Captain x2 (Pathfinder) -- leather-armored bald male human w/ glowing green sword, nice barbarian

The Eel x2 (Pathfinder) -- light- or medium-armored male halfling throwing a flaming bomb or alchemist's fire
The Red Raven x4 (Pathfinder) -- light-armored masked male (race obscured) in red and black w/ 2 daggers and a cape, nice rogue or assassin
Thelsikar x4 (Pathfinder) -- masked make (race obscured) in hooded cloak w/ dagger and fuming bottle (bomb? potion?); makes a good cultist
Thief Guildmaster (Pathfinder) -- female (race obscured) in hooded cloak w/ sword holding a small object, nice sneaky type
Thrush (Mage Knight mini on click-base w/ writing and stats) -- light-armored famel human w/ mace and shield, maybe a fighter or cleric
Tiefling Warlock x8 (Unhallowed version, no cards) -- leather-armored gender-ambiguous tiefling in hooded cape w/ sword and dagger, nice warlock, ranger, or rogue
Tiefling Warlock x2 (Dungeons of Dread version) -- light-armored male tiefling pointing a wand, nice warlock or other spellcaster
Unicorn Bladesman (Mage Knight mini on peanut-shaped click-base w/ text) -- medium-armored male elf or half-elf w/ sword mounted on unicorn
Unicorn Tracker x2 
(Mage Knight mini on peanut-shaped clickbase w/ text) -- light-armored male elf w/ bow and cape riding a unicorn
Valorous Prince x4 (no cards) -- light- or medium-armored male human w/ sword, buckler, cape, and staff or scepter

Village Priest x18 (2 in bag, 1 card) -- light- or medium-armored male human w/ mace and cape, nice cleric or NPC
War Wizard -- male elf, half-elf, human, aasimar, or eladrin w/ orb and spear, nice spellcaster
Watch Guard x6 (Pathfinder) -- light-armored male human w/ spear, lantern, and cape

Whirlwind Dervish (Dreamblade mini on blue square base w/ text) -- unarmored dark-skinned female human sitting Indian-style on a swirling pillar of skirts, whirling w/ 2 scimitars
Wild Elf Warsinger (promo repaint version, no card) -- leather-armored female elf or half-elf w/ sword, could be nice bard, barbarian, rogue, ranger, or druid
Wizard of Turmish (in bag, normal and epic cards) -- dark-skinned male human on flying carpet w/ cat on shoulder (!!!), nice spellcaster
Wood Elf Archer x3 -- light-armored elf or half-elf w/ longbow
Xin (Pathfinder) x3 -- male human (could pass for elf, I think) in fancy robes w/ staff, nice spellcaster
Yoon, Human Kineticist (Pathfinder) -- leather-armored male human child (could also be a halfling) w/ what looks like a hockey stick, could be club or staff
Young Minotaur x3 (no cards) -- Medium-sized minotaur in chainmail kilt w/ greatsword
Zhent Champion (no card) -- heavy-golden-armored
male (race obscured) w/ sword and cape
Zhent Soldier x2 (no cards) -- heavy-armored male (race obscured by armor) w/ sword, shield, and cape 
Zhentarim Fighter x4 -- medium-armored male human w/ sword and shield, nice basic martial type


I make a point of getting my minis orders into the mail on the next business day whenever possible (almost always).

If you end up purchasing other minis from me that (unlike these lots) I charge shipping for, I'll try to combine shipping costs to reduce your expenses. I will charge an extra $0.25 for each single small or medium mini, $0.50 for each large mini, $1.00 for each huge, and $1.00 for each additional lot of multiple minis -- maybe a bit more if it's a really large lot with more weight than usual. If you win a really big series of lots and/or it saves you money, I'll use a Priority Mail Flat Rate box, and charge you shipping at cost.  I promise I will never try to make money through shipping fees; the shipping cost always represents what it costs me to send the item to you. If ever I overestimate the cost of shipping, I will refund the difference to you.

I ship to international buyers, but only through Ebay's Global Shipping program.


Paypal only.