Title: Black Cat - Complete LE Box set Collection - 2006 - Funimation (You got to be there.)

Run Time: 600 Minutes (24 Episodes)

Packaging: Vol 1: Std DVD case(white) in LE Art Box, shrink wrapped.
                  Vol 2,3,4,5,6: Std DVD case(white) in cellophane wrap with intact security seal.

Region Encoding: 1 (US/Canada)

Condition: New in shrink / cellophane wrap with intact security seals.

Languages: English Voice Track.
                   Japanese Voice Track.

Subtitles: English.

Prices are normally set at 80 to 90 percent of Amazons when the item is listed. I choose a price that I like within that range when I do this. As time goes on things that do not sell will drop slowly in price till they are sold. Hopefully I will review prices every month when the item is auto relisted by eBay. If there is a wide variance on Amazon sellers prices with many sellers present I will choose the 2nd lowest price. Low ball sellers on Amazon represent a high risk for poor quality items. You do tend to get what you pay for.

Due to the lack of effective enforcement of grading policies on Amazon it is not an effective price guide for used. (The same of course applies to eBay). I try to provide enough detail in the description and hopefully a good enough picture so that you can see if this set meets your quality standards. Consistent pricing on Amazon in used condition happens every now and then so I do consider Amazon used prices.

11/12/2015: Amazon, Black Cat, NEW, SSS = Super Saver Shipping.
Vol 1 with LE Box None in new condition, 1 seller used 21$
Volume 1 No LE box 11$(1 Seller), 22$(2 Sellers) For informational purposes.
Vol 2: 7$(1 Seller) 14$(1 Seller) 23$(2 Sellers) and 27$ (1Seller)
Vol 3: 7$ (2 Sellers), 12$(1 Seller), 14$(1 Seller), 22$(1 Seller), 29$(1 Seller SSS)
Vol 4: 14$(1 Seller),; 30$(1 Seller SSS)
Vol 5: 14$(1 Seller), 23$ (2 Sellers)
Vol 6: 23$ (2 Sellers)

11/12/2015 Initial pricing: 63$(3*price of used) + 14$ + 7$ + (14 +30)/2$ + (14+23)/2$ + 23$ = 143$, 155$*.8 = 124$, nice price point 124.95$ (120/143 = 80.6%)

11/28/2015: Very Low number of page views. Reducing to 99.95$
12/12/2015: A bit soon to reprice, but I am doing these as they show up after the auto relist by eBay. Low number of page views, 1 watcher. Reducing to 94.95$
03/02/2016: Good number of page views, 2 watchers. Reducing to 89.95$
03/28/2016: A bit too soon to do a reprice on this one.
06/05/2016: High number of page views, two watchers. Reducing to 84.95$.
11/05/2016: High number of page views(234), two watchers. Reducing to 79.95$.
06/08/2017: Modified title to match more searches. High number of page views(408), six watchers. Reducing to 77.45$.
09/07/2017: High number of page views(453), eight watchers. Reducing to 74.95$.
04/05/2018: High number of page views(568), nine watchers. Reducing to 69.95$.

Why less then Amazon:
I am in general undercutting sellers on Amazon because I want to move product and don't want to play Amazon games with pricing. On Amazon a good number of sellers use some form of auto pricing. These programs look at other prices and tend to reprice things daily, the simplest is 1 penny less then the lowest cost seller with a bottom set for how low to go. If a seller has 3000+ listing some form of auto pricing is probably in place. There are sellers who do not do this and simply charge a high price, at some point in time they will be the last seller who has something, very good profits result from this, but you need to be willing to wait years for this to happen. With pricing eBay and Amazon are silos and pricing on one does not have a great effect on pricing on another. On Amazon if I went in with a price of 39.95$ others would respond and sell it for 39.94$ and it will go down a penny or so a day till things stabilize at a somewhat lower price. I played some games with this in the past and well got product for a significant discount as a result of it, hopefully the programs they are using are more intelligent then they used to be.

Shipping: Free US shipping is will be the lowest cost shipping I can find. Priority will be Priority.

Other Stuff: Humm... The last thing I had here was about Saiyuki... sometimes everything doesn't get edited properly when I use a prior set to list a new one. Black Cat is an okay anime, there are better things to watch but at some point in time you run out of the better things to watch.

Dave's Anime Shop