These tea bags contain shredded catappa leaves; for everyone who does not want to have leaves in their tank, but still likes the positive effects!

Pro Shrimp's comment: Leaf litter is the best source of biofilm in our tanks. Big and small shrimps love to graze on it. Supplying enough leaves improves the number of baby shrimp that get through their first weeks. Leaves are a fantastic holiday food as well. Additionally the tannins have antibacterial properties. Adding too many leaves can colour the tank water to a light yellow or brown. These are the tannins and it's perfectly healthy. If you don't want too much tannins in the water, you can soak the leaves for 1-2 days before putting them in, a short boil works just as well. If you should be using Seachem Purigen in your filter, this will filter all tannins out as well.

Creates a natural water environment for tropical shrimp and fish.

Enhances the natural colour.

Aids the shedding process for shrimp, greatly reducing mortality rate during this stage.

Contains acids and tannins which have antibacterial & antifungalproperties.

Prevents bacteria and diseases

Stimulates breeding

Relieves stress

Reduces pH