the stone is a natural shape.


Tourmaline is a wonderful stone, with a color for each of the main Chakras. Excellent channeling stone for communication with higher forces. Tourmaline helps to break up energy blockages, which we mentally experience as anxiety, stress or confusion.    Tourmaline helps you to move beyond limited thinking, to an expanded sense of reality, and see past experiences in new ways. It teaches us that we are light beings in physical form, and helps us to experience the physical and spiritual worlds as one.

Especially for nervous system; blood/lymph toxins, Neutralizes fears, resentment, neurosis, obsessions, intestinal or spine energy blocks, toxins, constipation., neuralgia, migraine, burns , lungs, asthma, Arthritis, pain, swelling and immobility. Lower back pain.

Watermelon Tourmaline: (Red/pink and green) Brings together compassion, emotional and spiritual love (light pink) expressed in the physical heart Chakra. Activates the heart Chakra. Excels for immune system and life-threatening illnesses. Balances metabolism, endocrine system.. Empowers other tourmalines. Corresponds to the astrological signs of Virgo and Gemini.