
ParaProtex is a broad spectrum preparation of unique composition, 

which naturally supports the protective processes

of the body against bacteria, fungi and viruses.


It is a product recognized as the most effective way to combat parasites

by the person using it during the purifying treatment.

Intensive rate makes that more and more often we eat irregularly

and we do not adhere to the principles of rational nutrition.

The digestive tract is not just a place of digestion and absorption of essential nutrients.

It is also the largest and most complicated part of our immune system,

which is constantly in contact with a large variety

of harmful factors coming from the outside world, including microbiological agents.


ParaProteX is a set of valuable plant components exhibiting

a positive impact physiological functions of the body.

How do the ingredients ParaProteX?


- Purifies blood

- Acts relaxant

- Having the antibiotic

- Inhibits the growth of bacteria

- Protects the liver against the negative effects of drugs and toxins

- Kills parasites, worms and fungi

- Protects cells against free radicals

- Stimulates digestion

- Improve the functioning of the liver and bile secretion

- Strengthens the body's defenses

- Takes care of the respiratory system

- A beneficial effect on cardiovascular health.

Pau D'Arco:

- Works against: viral infections, parasites, bacteria

- Eliminates liver problems

- helps in blood diseases and other

- It is rich in vitamins and minerals

- Strengthens the body's natural defenses

- Cares about the well-being and enhances micro circulation and renal function

- It is a source of many valuable minerals:

  especially calcium, magnesium, iron, selenium, potassium, phosphorus, and vitamin B

- Strengthens blood vessels.

Seeds of grapefruit:

- Supports the maintenance of the microbial balance in the gut

- Has antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and antiparasitic

- Stimulates the immune system

- Contains bioflavonoids, glycosides, vitamin C

- Because of the bitter taste of grapefruit is an excellent remedy for stomach

- Regulates the functions of the digestive system

- Helps with inflammation of the gums.

The extract of barberry ordinary oil, clove spice:

- Favorably affect the proper functioning of the digestive system

- Support the secretion of digestive enzymes.

In addition, the formulation also comprises:

- Powdered quinoa musky

- Fruit of Rangoon creeper

- Myrrh resin

- Powder and black walnut

- Walnut oil.

Who we particularly recommend?

- People who want to cleanse the digestive tract and support its functioning.

- In order to maintain a proper microbial balance of the body.

- For those who want to take care of the resistance.

- During the purification of the body.

- People nourishing irrationally.

Toxins during treatment and after we remove the preparations of vegetable origin:

Polynesian Noni or Ocean 21

and drink 2-3 liters of clean, safe, ionized, good quality water.


We start with small doses,

to accustom the body to-release poisonous toxins, viruses, bacteria, fungi

and other parasites of cells.

ParaProteX start:

1, 2 and 3 days of treatment 1 tablet on an empty stomach with a glass of water.

4, 5 and 6, the day the dose was increased to 2 tablets 1 tablet. in the morning on an empty stomach and a half hours before dinner, and 2 hours after an earlier meal

7, 8 and 9 on the dose was increased to 3 tablets 1 tablet. in the morning on an empty stomach 1 tablet. 1 tablet before lunch. by evening.

10, 11 and 12 day increase the dose to 4 tablets 1 tablet. in the morning on an empty stomach 1 tablet. 2 pills before lunch. in the evening

13, 14 and 15 day titrated to 5 tablets Table 2. in the morning on an empty stomach 1 tablet. 2 pills before lunch. in the evening

16th and the next day to of treatment 6 tablets Table 2. Table 2 in the morning. 2 pills before lunch. in the evening.

AC Zymes:

Lactobacillus acidophilus are particularly resistant and useful bacteria, so-called. probiotics:

They can live in the gastrointestinal tract for 10 days.

or even longer, create unfavorable environment for a variety of harmful pathogens

(Clostridium bacteria, E. coli, fungi, etc.),

They can support the use of milk proteins, amino acids, fats and lactose.

Also participate in the synthesis of vitamins B,

with their help, we can maintain normal bacterial flora of the gastrointestinal tract,

effectively thus promoting the proper functioning of our digestive system.


1 capsules in the morning on an empty stomach, and in the evening 1 hour after ParaProteX.


After a month of treatment ParaProteX

- You must have a necessarily break for 2-4 week.

During the break you have take Ac Zymes.

After the break we start treatments as above.