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Suggested Uses: Add to your Yogurt, Smoothies, Ice Cream, Fruit Juice, Shakes, Water, etc...

Graviola FRUIT Powder (not Leaf)

Graviola, also known as Soursop/Guayabana,  known for its mild sedative properties, is the fruit of Annona muricata, a broad leaf, flowering, evergreen tree native to Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America, South America and parts of South East Asia. Graviola has long been used around the world as a source of nutrition and to support general well-being. In recent decades, graviola has been the subject of over 20 laboratory tests for its cell protective qualities. Each year scientific research continues to uncover even more exciting potential health benefits from Graviola.

    The Graviola tree has large, dark green leaves and can grow to heights of 15 to 18 feet. The green, spiky, heart-shaped Graviola fruit has a unique flavor combining tart citrus notes with a sweet creaminess. The soft white flesh of this delicious fruit is perfect for making juices and other tasty desserts.

Graviola / Soursop Fruit Powder Benefits

  • 100% Pure, all-natural product
  • Contains powerful antioxidants that can slow down the aging process
  • Contains Vitamin C, B1, B2 and other essential vitamins and minerals
  • Contains carbohydrates
  • Supports strengthening of the immune system
  • Supports healthy cell formation
  • Supports a positive mood and general well-being
  • Helps to maintain healthier blood pressure levels within a normal range
  • No fillers, no artificial ingredients and Non-GMO

 Treatment of Uric Acid

    Graviola fruit can help in treating gout. In fact, many alternative medicines use soursop leaves for the treatment of gout.

Treatment of Back Pain

    Back pain is commonly experienced these days, particularly while exercising. Using chemical drugs for back pain can cause side effects. Graviola fruit consumption can help alleviate back pain without the negative side effects associated with chemical drugs.

Treatment of Diabetes

    The limit of normal sugar levels ranges from 70 mg to 120 mg. The nutrients in Graviola fruit are believed to stabilize blood sugar levels in the normal range.

Boosts the Immune System and Prevents Infections

    The nutrient content of Graviola fruit is believed to boost the immune system and fight infections.

Other Benefits

    In addition to the benefits mentioned above, the fruit is said to be extremely effective in inhibiting the growth of bacteria, virus, parasites and tumor development. These healing properties make them capable of being used as an anti-seizure medication. They are also capable of reducing fever and lowering high blood pressure. This fruit helps in treating inflammation and swollen feet. Graviola fruit aids in digestion and improves appetite. Graviola fruit consumption on a regular basis helps in improving stamina and facilitating quick recovery from diseases.

Origin: Harvested and freeze dried in Brazil. Packaged with care in Florida, USA.

  The information contained in this listing is provided for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to prescribe, or treat. It is not intended to be a substitute for a health care provider's consultation. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.