Copy Videophone for duplex , hands-free LCD color monitor , with infrared camera for night vision  Wide screen : 16cm x 9 cm ( only LCD ) Great Videophone kits for family , consisting of two monitors with external citofoniera with infrared camera and 2 buttons to the played  For installazzione of this kit will require a 4-wire cable to be connected between the monitor to the camera .  Using cables that have filli thickness ( each wire ) 1mm and you can mount the kit up to 30 meters away trà units .  Over 30 meters it is recommended to use wires with a thkness of 1.5mm and still good qualityoutdoor unit has a CCD lens 420 TVL in color with high definition has infrared night vision even in total darkness, over 5 meters away from the camera. The electric lock is connected directly to the camera \ citofoniera, via two wires. you can handle one single electric lock since the monitopr have only one key to open the gate. The function of the kit is very simple .. When the outside takes place citofonata the monitor (or monitors whether it is a home for more 'levels kit) will sound and will automatically turn on, but no enable communication. Pressing the "round" button that is located on the monitor will activate the communication with the outside and vice versa. So with the button of the monitor and printed reports a "key" you can give an impulse to the electric lock. the third and final key on this monitor allows instead to operate the kit without that outside there was the citofonata. (In the case of the house on more 'levels kits these functions are active on all the Monitor Kit) The device in addition to being an excellent color video, has a neat design and bring into your home (office, etc.) that touch of Hitech you've always wanted   The package you will receive includes : 2x internal units (monitors ) 1 x outdoor unit with 2 buttons for citofonata 2x power supply 12 volts for joined ' internal 2x steel plate for installing drives  Instructions in English , cables and plugs needed for installation ITALIAN WARRANTY