Raspberry Seed Oil
Botanical / INCI name - Rubus Idaeus
Biopurus unrefined Raspberry oil is cold pressed from the seeds of the Raspberry, Rubus idaeus L., Rosaceae. It is precious oil which can effectively protect the skin for a whole day. It has very strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. It is rich in vitamin E thanks to which it prevents skin-ageing and successfully protects the skin from UV radiation. Highly moisturizing, emollient and it contains high amounts of alpha and gamma tocopherols (Vitamin E) and polyphenols. Raspberry seed oil has an estimated Sun Protection Factor (SPF) up to 50.
Certified Organic by Soil Association GB-ORG-05, certificate reference DC25977

Extraction method: Cold Pressed - Unrefined
Suggested use: Edible oil ( Internal or External )
Ingredients: 100% organic Raspberry seed oil
Packaging: 100ml glass bottle
Country of origin: EU
The oil does not contain any artificial preservatives or artificial colours.