Special Extra Features - The Making Of

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In some parts of the world you die...but then again maybe you don't. Three tales of life after death from three very different countries, by three of Asia's leading filmmakers, Kim Jee-Woon, Nonzee Nimibutr and Peter Ho-Sun Chan. 

Three brings together three tales of life beyond physical death, each of them exploring the beliefs, superstitions and mysteries of a different Asian culture. These ghost stories from Korea, Thailand and Hong Kong open three astonishing windows on the afterlife, venturing into areas beyond the ken of horror movies. Of course the trilogy has its scary moments, but it's haunted by emotions more intense than mere fear. 

Each of the three stories is unique and striking on its own right. Taken together, they provide intriguing insights into the beyond, Asian-style. In these stories, death is only the beginning...

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