Granulated Honey - 5 lb. Bulk

Whether added to a cup of tea, secretly sprinkled over frosting in a towering layer cake, or delicately garnished on homemade candies granulated honey is an intriguing spin to a classic ingredient.



Granulated honey is honey that has been dried and ground. The honey retains the same flavor but has a crunchy quality to it. Furthermore, it dissolves well in liquid, but doesn’t have the stickiness of fresh honey.

Granulated honey is a used for vinaigrettes, sauces, marinades, and brines. However, bakers and candy makers are the ones who most often use it. Granulated honey is a way to imbue a honey flavor without working with honey directly (which is persnickety, burns easily, and browns into a dark unpleasant color when heated).

Recommended Applications

Granulated Honey is perfect when the need for a sweet honey flavor is needed without the mess. Great as a substitute for sugar in any recipe and should also be tried in marinades.

Basic Preparation

Ready to use as is, no preparation is necessary.


Granulated honey (sugar, honey).