If for any reason your cat did not react to the device, make sure to contact us on ebay message before you file any return request, so we can help. SOME CATS ARE NOT SENSITIVE TO THE ULTRASONIC SOUND. 


Now you can keep your cats off furniture, counters, or even out of entire rooms? Now, thanks to Cat-friendly training device. It utilizes a passive infrared motion detector to sense when your cat nears the 90-degree protected area. The unit then emits a series of strong pulsating ultrasonic waves (but HARMLESS) to repel your cat, training it to stay away. The ultrasonic waves are heard by KITTENS and CATS ONLY, and are INAUDIBLE TO HUMANS. Cats find the sound so uncomfortable that the areas guarded by this device are soon avoided altogether! 

 Just turn it on and place it so it faces the area you want to be cat free. electronic cat repellent detects motion, it emits a high-pitched electronic squeal that frightens cats away quickly. 


  • STOP cats from sneaking off
  • Uses one 9V Baterry (Not Included)
  • Size Approx: 6" x 3.5" x 2.5" Inches
  • Keep your cats OFF counter-tops, table tops, balconies, shelves, furniture & drapes!
  • cat repellent guards a six-foot range when placed on the floor or other flat surface, and up to a 15-foot range or more when elevated or tilted off a flat surface
  • Keep your kittens, cats, or neighborhood cats AWAY from outside areas!
  • Common Locations to place device: In a baby's room, kitchen counter-top, Near poisonous plants, hot stovetops, balconies and dangerous machinery. On the couch, coffee table, or dining room table Under the Christmas tree behind the sofa or other hidden places cats like to pee