Auction Wizard 2000 Listing Template - AW2KLOT#:15738

This is for 6 childrens books as follows....

Ruth Newtons Mother Goose circa 1940s. 12 pages full color issustrations all signed by artist. Cover and back cover have chew marks around the edges.

Picture Story Book with 3 Bears on Cover copyright 1933. By Fern Bisel Peat. Printed on linen paper. Lots of small tears arounds edges, binding is torn about halk way up on all pages and covers.

Baby Kittens circa 1940s. Linen paper. Full color illustrations by Ruth E Newton.  12 Pages. Has major chew marks around all edges on cover and inisde.

Farm Friends copyright 1943 by EB Segner. Linen.  12 Pages. Major chew marks around all edges inisde and cover.

The Doggy Book copyright 1955. 12 Pages. Full color illustrations. Has age stain on covers. All pages and cover attached but some wear in binding.

The Happy Day Begins. By Janet Laura Scott. Copyright 1931. Beautiful color art deco images. All pages and cover are loose. Lots of wear around edge. 

All books about 10 x 12 inches.
