• Fits any standard 3.5 - 7 gallon buckets.
  • Easy to install and use.
  • Includes a free 10% - 60% humidity indicator card.
  • Free shipping!

We are Gamma Seal fans.  Gamma Seals shine as the easy access solution.  ...but we do not recommend them for long term or liquid applications.  Regular snap-on (or rubber mallet on as the case may be) lids with gaskets are what we would favor for a liquid or long term application with a priority on sealing.  Filling a Gamma Seal equipped bucket with water and then turning it upside down or submersing are not appropriate tests for a Gamma Seal.  While no lid should be trusted in such an orientation, a snap-on lid as used in paint bucket/pail spplications is the better choice.  Gamma Seals for convenience.  Snap-on for liquid and long term.