From Hang Tabs Unlimited

Made in the UK

FROM 50 Flexi Hang Tabs to 20,000 Flexi Hang Tabs in Booklets of 10’s

Prices From £2.10 for 10 (one Booklet) up to 391.90 for 20,000 (2000 Booklets)        

Strong Clear Instant Grab Adhesive

Hang Tabs are an easy method of displaying products. Easy to apply, just peel off the backing and stick to your product and display them at your point of sale locations. Ideal for small boxes, bags greeting cards, and other items that you would like to display and trigger more impulse buys, as well as for instant shop-floor repairs

Supplied as Booklets of 10 not Bulky Rolls

For ease of use and convenience of storage

If you have any questions please send us a message on

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Made from Environmentally friendly Crystal Clear A-PET