WORDPRESS MASTER TRAINING GUIDE - 57 Easy To Follow Instructional Videos With Master Resale Rights
15O High Quality Wordpress Website Theme Templates
+ Mega Graphics Package
In just a few days learn everything you will need to know
about setting up a Wordpress website.
So easy that a 10 year old child could follow these videos.
There is no deal on Ebay that touches what this Wordpress Bonanza of training offers!

You Also Get FULL MASTER RESALE RIGHTS And You Keep All The Profits!

This is a digital product. You will receive a link to download after payment.

Lets Breakdown The 57 Videos You Will Be Receiving:


26 How-To-Videos + 2 e-books

These videos covers everything from WP installation to key plugins with a helpful checklist ebook so you can easily see the big picture as well as not miss a step.

20 SEO Master Training Videos

You will be receiving a step-by-step video training to make your Wordpress Website Google friendly. It is one thing to setup a Wordpress Blog and it is another set of skills to make it search engine friendly so it can be found in the sea of blogs.

11 Security System Videos

Security is often a hot topic in the news as you know so we are including in this master training course the essentials in protecting your website from disastrous hackers and viruses. 



150 Professional Wordpress Website Theme Templates

With Master Reseller Rights


Mega Graphics Package

                        • This includes 1000s of:
                        • Graphics
                        • Images
                        • Icons
                        • Animated Graphics
                        • Marketing Graphics
                        • Web backgrounds


Besides Receiving 57 Training Videos AND 150 Professional Theme Templates  AND A Mega Graphics Package - You Now Have The Ultimate Wordpress Training Toolbox At Your Disposal That You Can Slice And Dice Into Any Kind Of Project OR Idea You Might Have!!!!  

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[Yes] Can sell Master Resale Rights

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[Yes] Can add various bonuses as a sales incentive

[Yes] Can be packaged with other PAID Products

[Yes] Can Rebrand with your affiliate links

Bottom Line – DO ANYTHING you want with everything you get with this purchase! 

Cut them up and sell them as products or use them in your own projects. THERE ARE NO RESTRICTIONS.

This is a digital product. You will receive a link to download after payment.

Regarding eBay Regulations, we own the Master Resale Rights (MMR), Resale Rights, Private Label Rights (PLR) of this product.
A copy of this license or authentication is on file with us and is included with each purchase.