Get that extra key.

This is (1) new, uncut, Transponder key blank for the following


Boulevard 150


This key may fit other makes and models 

This is T5 transponder key and must be CLONED to your present key.

Here are a few options:

1. CONTACT ME FIRST. Send your present key to me.  I will cut the key and use a transponder cloning device to read the code in your present transponder key and then copy it into the transponder in this key blank.  Your motorcycle’s computer is already programmed to accept this code so it will work.  Cost Varies. Contact me.

2.  Order this key blank from me.  Have your key duplicated onto this key blank key duplicating machine at a locksmith shop.  Also have them clone the keys as well. This key can only be CLONED.  It cannot be programmed to your by the dealer.

This key blank has a transponder (chip) in the head of the key that is necessary for starting the engine. It must be cloned to your present key before it will work.

All sales are final.  YOU CUT IT.  IT IS YOURS TO KEEP.

Check our eBay Store for more GREAT deals on key blanks!