Nail Foil - 17 Stunning Colours - 1 Metre Long

We are offering 17 amazing colours of foil to create various amazing effects
If you have any queries please dont hesitate in contacting us

Strips are a 1 metre long by 4 cm wide

When ordering sets of 8 foils, please attach a message with your chosen colours OR a random selection will be sent.

Sets of 17 foils will be 1 of each colour

How to use: (for best results use with nail foil glue, however they can be applied over a tacky layer)


 1.  Prepare your nails as you would for any manicure.
2.  Apply the nail polish/Gel of your choice depending on the look you wish to achieve.
3.  Cut the nail foils to size before you start and lay out in front of you.
4.  Cure the gel, leaving it tacky.
5. Wipe the back of the foil (dull side) with cleanser, this will help transfer the effect.
6.  Press the foil onto your nail shiny side up and press down, be firm and ensure you have covered all the nail.
7.  Pull back carefully and if not adhered to all the nail press back on until it does.
8.  If you miss any you can run through the above steps again.
9.  Allow to set and cover with a Gel.