The secrets of Scotland s Rosslyn Chapel have remained hidden for hundreds of years. But now, after a decade of extensive research, two Scottish historians have pieced together the real story and reveal all in Rosslyn and the Grail. ens of millions of people worldwide became familiar with the mystery of Rosslyn through Dan Brown s blockbuster novel The Da Vinci Code; hundreds of thousands have since travelled there to marvel at its magnificent carvings and to wonder if some fabulous treasure lies buried beneath its medieval walls. seudo-history writers, Grail seekers and conspiracy theorists claim that the secret history of the Holy Bloodline of Christ, the Ark of the Covenant, the embalmed head of Jesus and the legendary treasure of the Knights Templar are all buried under Rosslyn Chapel. But what is the truth? Did the Templars really escape to Scotland? Does the enchanted White Lady of Rosslyn actually guard the Holy Grail? Was the chaell built to hide the Treasure of the Temple of Jerusalem? With material culled from Dark Age and medieval sources, this startling book holds the key to the mystery of Rosslyn.