
How to make men notice your Feminine Figure.

Femme Supplement: 90 capsules

Now with 15 synergetic ingredients. Far more powerful. Many more sources of phytoestrogens.

Please read the ingredient list below for the full list.

This is now an even more powerful product. The dosage is strictly only one pill per day.

Far more powerful, far much more value for money.

Can also help the body naturally resist acne.

Many of these ingredients will also naturally help the body with Menopausal effects.


A NEW Product that is VERY Powerful. Only for 18 years old or older

Do not pay £50! This is sold for only 14.50 GBP!

For best results use these pills regularly. Most customers will see an increase of 2 bra sizes over a 2 month period.




Advanced Breast Enhancement Solution

Some of the stories from our loyal customers:

A Girl that achieved what she dreamed for.

       " I am always insecure with other women. I am already in college but my breasts looks like I am only 12 years old. My female classmates have big breasts. Guys always notice them because of it. At night, I always look at myself in the mirror. I ask myself "Why do I have small breasts? What's wrong with me? Is this normal?". I have a classmate who has big breasts. We became so close then she told me her secret of why she has big breasts. She said she has been using Femme Pills. It really did a great job. Now I can testify it's true!"

-Holly Kingsland, US

             "When I was a kid, I was always fascinated with women who have big breasts. As I got older I was wondering why my breasts were not growing. I hate myself for it.

             I have been asking myself "What should I do to make my breasts big?" I always knew that I needed to be more female. I have met several people that have the same problem. One of them told me about the pills that made his breasts larger. I was really amazed when I found out about Femme Pills. I tried it so that I will see the results myself... I am so glad that I did! Now I have breasts that look natural and I love it!"

- Andrea Curtis, UK

         Having great looking breasts perfectly transforms many factors. These include a woman's appearance, assurance level, attention from the opposite sex and the manner in which clothing will fit. This is naming only a few.   

           Many men these days prefer better curves and sexier looks. Research was conducted and it is estimated that 80% of women are displeased with the visual appearance of their breasts. This is not a surprise because it is well known that a woman's breasts are one of the most appealing parts of the female body.

            While many women often go to surgery, there are a lot of disadvantages. These include the medical risks, the high costs and the unnatural feel of an implant. With these risks, many women prefer to seek natural options.

            For women who wish to have enlarged breasts without surgery, the main question they would ask is do the pills really work?

The answer is generally - YES!

            Breast enhancement pills are manufactured based on scientific methods. They have ingredients that enhance the growth of breast tissue. It is very helpful for women who want to have larger breasts in a safe and natural manner. It is cost effective and a very good investment in the long run!

Femme: For Greater Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence

1. Adds volume to the chest, without spending too much.

2. Larger and firmer breasts without surgery.

3. Best natural way to get the results you want to achieve.

             Femme is a non-surgical, safe method to increase the size of the breast. Now you do not need padded bras or oddball devices. Frames in uncomfortable bras are not required.

             Enlarge your breasts SAFELY and NATURALLY. The combined herbs in Femme offer a safe way to increase breast size. Improve your 'phyto' nutrition: phytoestrogens. Especially if your body is under stress, hormone levels decrease. Woman's natural Estrogen levels should naturally increase every month just before the end of the menstrual cycle. Increased levels of estrogen along with phytoestrogens lead to increased breast size. This is a natural response of the body.

               All of this is achieved with a unique combination of herbs. Unlike other enhancement products for your breasts, Femme Pills work fast. Most women see evidence of breast growth as little as 30 to 45 days. Most accomplish their goal size in less than 90 days. Many women said they have gained a full cup size in as little as 30 days.

The ADVANTAGES of  Breast Enhancement Pills

  • SAFE

           -  It is entirely made of Natural Ingredients. Therefore the risk of experiencing side effects is reduced. Femme Pills contain various herbs and plants that have been used for centuries. They are clinically proven effective in providing good results. These ingredients are carefully verified by the FDA. This ensures they are efficient and safe to use.


            -  It is a lot cheaper than any other breast enhancement method such as breast implants. Also breasts will look and feel more natural.


            -   Can be used in your own home and come with clear, comprehensive labels.


            -   In just a couple of months you'll see the results. Women can get the breasts they have dreamed of within several months. A minimum of effort is needed and there are much fewer risks. Moreover, most natural pills for breast enlargement come with a money back guarantee.

We know you have questions in your mind like....

  • What if it won't work? I just wasted money...

             - No need to worry! Refund is Guaranteed!

  • I'm worried about allergic reactions...

             - Start from a lower dosage in the first few days and increase it slowly to a maximum of 4 pills a day. Drink plenty of water!

                      All ingredients:

Dong Quai

       Dong Quai is considered by the Chinese to be the empress of herbs and the sovereign herb for women.  Dong Quai  is the supreme female tonic in traditional chinese medicine. It is primarily known in treating women's problems including lack of sexual desire, symptoms of menopause, cramps and PMS. 

       Dong Quai promotes natural progesterone synthesis, a key element for breast enlargement. It is now called the ultimate herb for women.


       Another great source of phytoestrogens. It contains some of the highest levels of natural 'woman makers', phyto nutrients and diosgenin that add to healthy breast tissue. These phyto-nutrients are mild and have many health benefits. Because these natural phyto-nutrients can feminize you, they can help you keep calm throughout the month.

Avena Sativa

         Avena Sativa is rich in saponins, flavonoids, minerals and alkaloids necessary for a healthy body.

Fennel Seed

         Fennel seed is rich in flavonoids that cause feminize your body. It acts as a tonic and stimulant as well.

         Fennel is a biennial or perennial plant that grows wild in the Mediterranean area. Fennel is one of the more feminizing of plants and is very similar to fenugreek. Fennel seed contains some of the highest levels of natural phyto nutrients, and diosgenin that add to healthy breast tissue.

Mexican Wild Yam

          Wild Yam is the most widely used herbal tonic for women's health. It is used for breast enlargement, and is a natural sexual stimulant. 

           Wild Yam contains some of the highest levels of natural phytoestrogens, phyto-nutrients and diosgenin recommended by herbalists for breast enlargement.


        This contains important minerals to support overall health. Kelp absorbs fats and has been shown to have efficacy for obesity, cellulitis and rheumatism. It is rich in nutrients, containing 30 minerals, it is beneficial for those who are deficient in mineral. Kelp contains iodine which stimulates the thyroid. Kelp also improves skin, nails, hair, protect against radiation, soften stools and treat obesity and ulcers.


         Extracts from the aerial parts of the plant (grass) can be used for digestive disorders and calming you throughout your period. It is also used as a sedative because of its anti-spasmodic muscle relaxing effects.


       L-Tyrosine is great for increasing your metabolic rate. 

Also, Whey Protein Isolate, Rose Hips Fruit, Pueria Mirifica, Maca, Red Clover, Soy Isoflavones!


Indications for Use:

This is now an even more powerful product. The dosage is strictly only one pill per day.

 Only take the pills if you are 18 years old or older.

Satisfaction or Refund up to 30 days